February 13th, 2017


·      Three teas for rest of semester

o   Richard Conniff– has written popular science books

o   Sander Daniels – founder of thumbtack.com

o   Chris George - director of IRIS

·      Wednesday evening at 7 there’s a Biggs House rededication party

o   Email Micah to get on list

·      Ski trip this weekend

·      Tickets for Hamilton April 23rd - there will be a lottery

·      A week from this Friday in the dining hall at 8 pm is a senior pizza party with wine and SayBrew beer

·      Encourage all seniors to donate $5 in order to have a $10,000 scholarship for incoming 2021

o   Need 90% participation to have scholarship made available

Dean’s Report

·      Read her emails

·      Housing meetings today


·      Planning Amigo’s for next Wednesday

·      Planning a study break soon

·      Also, trying to find a location for Semiformal

Community Service

·      Be in touch soon about another opportunity


·      Did you know that the Constitution is binding?


·      Send Leah pictures and she will post them


·      Email Daniel


·      Interviews start next week for the fall seminar

Dining hall

·      Send Agnes problems


·      Met today with info sessions

·      Housing is going to happen the week after spring break

·      Rising Sophomores Tuesday, juniors Wednesday, seniors Thursday

·      Floor plans will be released soon

·      POI: are the floor plans through Saybrook housing site

o   Yes


·      Battery and electronics disposal bins will be in the basement shortly


·      We won in volleyball

·      Read Chad’s email


·      Read email


·      Meeting with restoration man on the 28th or 1st

·      Email Daniel if interested

·      Near POI: typically, Harvard crest has three open books, but the bottom one is closed for ours


·      Spring fling release party Wednesday

·      Disability resources were looked into this past weekend

·      JE rep proposed reconfiguring annex housing so that you could opt into annex housing with other colleges

·      Freshmen dance is on Friday

·      Talk to Abby Hopkins or Gabe Perez for tickets


·      No money in rolling fund

New Business

·      Jack proposed to have “Bad and Boujee” as the new song of the SCC

·      Max proposed to have “Africa” by Toto

·      Leo motions to have external speakers as we play the song

·      Max counter-proposes to have the 12 pack blast the song

·      Kellen overrules Max

·      New song is “Bad and Boujee”

·      External speakers are now to be brought by Leo to every meeting