February 23rd, 2015


February 23, 2015

Master and Associate Master’s Report

·      Updates from AMVD, who could not be present.

o   Ski trip was a success (mostly).

o   Final Cut cooking competition is happening on Tuesday at Commons.

§  A special team of Saybrugians will be doing very well, we forecast.

o   There’s a Mellon Forum on Wednesday

o   Fellows Meeting on Thursday

o   Dining hall opens for breakfast tomorrow!

Dean’s Report

·      Continue to use Saybrook College website for housing!

o   Basic calendar and rules of the game on the website.

o   Google Docs for group formations will be up shortly on the website.

Committee Reports

SAC (Saybrook Activities Committee)

·      Bar Pizza study break was a huge success – very civil.

·      Will have a study break coming up before Spring Break.

·      Viva’s night planning is in the works.

Community Service

·      Brainstorming ideas for


·      Treadmill?

·      Now there is a sign that says out of order.


·      Slowly approaching the end of the winter season – did well in some sports, not in others.

·      Hockey is happening this week.

·      We were 7th as of last week.

·      TD is first by far.

·      Start thinking about Spring sports – free your schedule, and if you’re interested in  captaining any of the sports, let Magda Zielonka know!

Sustainability Committee

·      Reports will be out tonight – about how much waste was produced.

·      People have been a lot more conscious about the food they eat, it seems – an impact has been made!

Dining Committee

·      Handing off the torch to Mallet, who will be the new head of the committee!

·      Send any inquiries or concerns to Mallet form now on.

·      He is here to serve us.

·      Yogurt is once again being served after breakfast?!

Media Committee

·      Nothing to report.

·      Live tweeting every meeting.

·      Ihna and Aaron are running the official FB page – if you have any pictures to put up on the page, send them to Ihna or Aaron! (Cover photo status could be achieved.)

Saybrook Historical Society Committee

·      First Basil Duke Henning Professor of Saybrook History will be Daniel Fischer (also known as the University Pursuivant).

·      The official passing down of the torch will occur next week.

·      The first meeting of the committee will occur on Sunday provisionally.


·      Bylaws committee resolves veto power on any resolution passed by the Saybrook College Council in order to make sure that the fundamental structure of the SCC constitution is not compromised.


·      Tonight, annual housing information sessions for each class were held.

·      If questions not answered, e-mail Aaron Berman or anyone else on the housing committee (list of members will be posted on the SY website).

·      Start those conversations about housing! So you don’t have to have awkward conversations 2 days before the draw.


·      Exciting meeting on Sunday – Dean Halloway will be joining for the first time.

Brewing Club

College Seminar Committee

·      Interviews happening – please sign up for the interviews this week!

Old Business

New Business

·      Ideas for a potential service project

o   Brainstorming ideas for a partnership with Dwight Hall.

o   Everyone: keep this on your mind!

o   Volunteering at a soup kitchen?

o   Homeless Connect in April.

o   Do something in the Master’s House, baking something for the homeless.

o   Through YHAAP, a bunch of organizations that do the Bread Run.

·      If freshmen are interested in participating in the new sustainability initiative, please let Cissy know! (A pilot orientation program).

·      Moved $19.33 for endowed Basil Duke Henning professorship back into the rolling fund.