February 3rd, 2014


February 3rd, 2014

Master and Associate Master’s Report

·      Mellon Forum this Wednesday

·      2 ski trips coming up

Dean’s Report

·      Nothing to report

Committee Reports

SAC (Saybrook Activities Committee)

·      Super Bowl party was a success, but some gold “ovular” glasses were found

Community Service

·      Nothing to report—Layla Khuri is new chair


·      Nothing to report—pool table

Clothing Committee:

·      Nothing to report


·      IM meeting this Friday

·      If anyone has complaints about communications with IMs please email Sage, Yombe or Tammer with concerns

Sustainability Committee

·      Social media is successful—follow @SYSustainability on Instagram and Saybrook Sustainability on Facebook

·      Continue to turn lights off when you leave the Saybrary—good job guys!

·      Next week will have news about partnership with dining hall

·      Fun fact: All of the MetLife Stadium’s kitchen oil is converted to biodiesel fuel and all of their fuel scraps are donated to food scraps.  Also, Seattle is #5 in sustainability and Denver is #11.

·      Budget proposal for $11 for photo contest was approved

Dining Committee

·      Stay tuned for partnership with Sustainability committee!

Media Committee

·      Nothing to report

College Seminar Committee

·      Nothing to report

Saybrook Historical Society Committee

·       Meeting this Friday in Fellows Lounge around lunch time—blue(Ivy)berry tea will be served!


·      In need of committee head


·      Nothing to report


·      Nothing to report

Brewing Club

·      Nothing to report

Mascot Committee

·      Nothing to report

Old Business

Nothing outstanding

New Business

Missing triangle at the pool table as well as in need of new pool sticks. May have replacements in storage—Stuart to follow up

Sustainability Committee—Budget proposal for $11 for a sustainability photo contest on Instagram.  Take a picture of you or a friend doing something sustainable and tag @SYSustainability and #SYSustainability and the winner of the contest will get a $10 gift certificate to Blue State.  The contest should run 2 weeks.

This will leave $270.55 remaining in the rolling fund