March 3rd, 2014


March 3rd, 2014

Master and Associate Master’s Report

·      Tomorrow is Fat Tuesday in celebration of Mardi Gras so there will be New Orleans style food for dinner!!

Dean’s Report

·      Find out your housing arrangements for next year ASAP! Updates on the website are forthcoming, lottery and info session will be after Spring Break.

Committee Reports

SAC (Saybrook Activities Committee)

·      Scroll to the bottom of Dean’s emails, apparently they’re funny

·      Assassins will be happening after Spring Break via sock ball, and Master Hudak will be playing! Sign ups will be happening now through first week of Spring Break, and targets will be released during the second week, and game will start as soon as we get back. Master’s Office is a safe zone.

·      Bar pizza study break on Thursday

·      Saybrook Viva’s Night is on Thursday March 27th at 9 p.m.!!!

Community Service

·      Nothing to report. YHHAP fast in April.


·      Disinfectant wipes will be back in the gym by tomorrow.


·      Winter playoffs are finishing up right now, go men’s hockey!

·      Men’s volleyball lost L

·      A Hoops are tomorrow night.

·      Spring IM’s study break went well. Sign up on sign up sheets in common room all this week! Billiards and croquet are in need of assistance.

Sustainability Committee

·      Turn off lights/ unplug appliances and turn down (not off) the radiator over Spring Break.

·      Another successful Meatless Monday!

·      Sustainability Star of the Week: Mary Beth, Bob and the rest of facilities for being great sustainability partners.

·      Fun fact: An estimated 80 million Hershey’s kisses are wrapped in foil every day, enough foil to cover 50 acres of space, which is 40 football fields.  All of that can be recycled!

Dining Committee

·      Cereal boxes will be installed during Spring Break. Hopefully the new cereal will reflect our responses on the survey.

Media Committee

·      Newsletter will be out after Spring Break!

Saybrook Historical Society Committee

·       Interviews with graduating seniors will be coming out after break.

·      Finds from the Saybrook Sterling Archives: In 1981 tuition hit $10,000 and there was a flood in Saybrook. Also a Saybrook senior passed out in a bathroom stall. The stone courtyard used to be completely stone, and there was held the first Saybrook Golf Classic.  Also the first year SAC met.


·      Vice President is official Parlimentarian for the council, and must have answers for all parliamentary procedures.


·      Aaron Berman is co-chair of housing committee with Joohee.

·      Housing floorplans will be available over or after break.

·      There is now a new online system which will be explained more during info meetings

·      Lottery will be after Spring Break


·      Additional day of reading period in both fall and spring semester!

·      Working on changes student activities fee to be covered under financial aid, so remove opt-out option so that it is not a financial burden. Now is $75, might be raised to $125, so more funding for UOC, YCC, Spring Fling. Yale has lowest student activities fee of all the Ivies.

·      Apply for Alcohol Task Force, which is due tonight at midnight.

·      Elections will be at the end of the semester, for E-board and Student Representatives. Run if you want to replace Kevin or Allison!

Old Business

None to report.

New Business

College Seminar committee met and might cover Political Science, Environmental Science and Humanities. The lottery is Wednesday, so it will be announced after break! Talk to Jordan about future involvement.  $260 remaining in rolling fund.  Let’s decide how to Blow this money!

Clothing committee will be designing tanks for Spring Fling, so talk to Aadi to get involved in that Saybrook Swag!