Minutes 10-10-16

October 10th, 2016
HOC Report
Not present 
Dean’s Report
Deadlines approaching – see notes from the Dean
Micah’s email about Octoberfest! Read that for details
Dinner in dining hall – german themed
Age-appropriate beverages in 12-pack
Not much else will happen until after fall break
Very tentative: something that would substitute 3rd amigos
Halloween: trick or treating most likely Friday the 28th
Community Service
Dwight hall sends out an email every week about opportunities – let Aryssa know if you want to be on panlist
Sunrise café, hunger heroes
If you show up after New Business, you will be considered late and not get membership points, but you will be considered present. 
Media Committee
Spoke to Micah about Saybrary ventilation.  
If you think you have mice, contact facilities. 
POI: home remedy – peppermint oil on a cotton ball
POI: mark everything as an emergency 
Magda follow up on Glider – will be moved back
Magda POI: several people have asked where spin bike went. 
Daniel: pretty sure it’s gone. Magda: can we get another one?
Aryssa POI: what to do when bathroom isn’t being cleaned? 
Leon: facilities request. If you don’t hear back, talk to Micah
College Seminar
Thanks to those who are interviewing. One more session tomorrow, then celebrate after break. Draw is 14th in SSS. Dean Muller is running it this year!
In past, we would be the only college to turn draw into fun event – Saybrugians come decked out and do chants, etc. 
Dining Hall
Not present
Alex(ander) Lusak volunteers as tribute!!
There were IMs today! 
Brew Club
Bennett Byerly and Franklin Echer!
Grapefruit IPA has been kegged! Will be served at Saytoberfest.
Mallet’s group started their brew. Micah will also buy kegs. 
Meeting sometime this week, hopefully planning events, study breaks, etc. Stay tuned for email. Visit to Saybrook Suicide Sweet
POI: Nadrina had a piece in Wkend!
Hoedown on Friday, 10-midnight
Saturday is night at planetarium, 7pm, capped at 120, snacks
POI: Is last comic standing happening this year?
Yes, early November 
Treasurer’s Report
$775 in rolling fund. Brainstormed idea of mixer with another college.