March 24th, 2014


March 24th, 2014

Master and Associate Master’s Report

·      Study break in Master’s House to talk about alcohol culture on campus on Tuesday at 9 p.m.

·      Wednesday’s Mellon Forum

·      Two Underbrook events this weekend (Come to Coffeehouse to see Cami sing!)

·      Yale Cabaret lottery

Dean’s Report

·      READ DEAN MULLER’S EMAIL ABOUT HOUSING (or she will make you watch a marathon of the Walking Dead)

Committee Reports

SAC (Saybrook Activities Committee)

·      Assassin’s starts on Wednesday, sign ups end at midnight tonight. Master Hudak, Dean Muller and Associate Master Van Dyke will be playing! Who will be the survivor?

·      Viva’s Night this Thursday at 9:30

Community Service

·      Be on the lookout for the Ronald McDonald House Pong For Life event, tentatively on the 19th


·      Nothing to report.


·      Congrats to IM Hockey team who went undefeated in the regular season and won!

·      Spring IMs have been cancelled for most of this week but will kick back up on Thursday and Friday.

·      Ultimate team is on the lookout for a captain.

·      IMs will be Assassins safe zone

Sustainability Committee

·      This weekend is Earth Hour from 7:00-9:30 on Saturday night; everyone should turn off their lights and appliances! 

·      Look on the Sustainability Facebook Page for daily sustainability challenges!

·      Tess McCann is the Sustainability Star of the Week: she unplugged all of her electronics before leaving for break!

·      Fun Fact:  It takes 75,000 to print a Sunday edition of the New York Times.

Dining Committee

·      Nothing to report. Gonna work on bowls near the cereal.

Media Committee

·      Saybrook Seal will be out next week!

Saybrook Historical Society Committee

·       At the meeting this Friday members will be interviewing Stuart Teal, SCC President Emeritus extraordinaire!

·      1941-42 students registered for the WWII draft in the Master’s Office.


·       Did you know that there are 3,921 words in the SCC Constitution, which is just under the U.S.’s 4,570 words.


·      Housing information meetings 8-8:20 for rising Seniors, 8:20-8:40 for rising Juniors; 8:40-9:00 for rising Sophomores


·      Sign up for What Would You Do for a Wenzel!

·      A day has been added to both reading periods for next year.

·      This Wednesday at 7:30 in LC 102 there will be an advisory panel with faculty members on the Dean’s Search committee to get student input.  There is also an online form.

·      You can also get involved in the reappointment of Master Hudak for next term.

Brewing Club

·      Brew club toured the Guinness Store House in Ireland over break, and will be attempting to make a Guinness-based clone on Saturday. All are welcome to brew, over 21ers are welcome to drink in 2 weeks.

College Seminar Committee

·      Politics and Leadership of Barack Obama’s Campaign (maybe that’s what it’s called)

Old Business

Nothing to report.

New Business

Nothing to report.