February 22, 2016
SCC 2015-2016 Executive Committee: Leon Ebani, President; Aryssa Damron, Vice President; Daniel Fischer, Treasurer; Leah Meyer, Secretary; Jack Barry and Kellen Bean, Saybrook Activity Committee chairs.
Today’s food: Delicious baked ziti and bread from YORKSIDE.
Master’s Report:
SayCook will reappear at the end of March and end of April!
Ski trip on Saturday – Micah will be sending instructions if you’re signed up, bus leaving promptly at 5am.
Idea: Haunted House in SY next Halloween – in one gate and out the other, utilizing U-shape of basement
Could buy decorations for cheap if we get them now
Use as opportunity to generate money for us or a charity – something in New Haven? $5-10 admission fee
Very excited about haunted house idea.
1-2 more study breaks before Spring Break
Planning to do another activity in spirit of Skyzone before Spring Break
Will stay after today’s meeting to talk about Saye and Sele and SaySemi, all are welcome.
Community Service:
See email sent out by Leon, from Aryssa – Abraham’s tent this week, Appalachian Trail maintenance next week
Monday the 29th at 9pm: Study break with Aryssa to discuss community service ideas/opportunities
Cannot vote on new business at first meeting of academic year because no one has voting rights yet except for ExComm
Media committee:
Interested in doing monthly newsletter or running facebook page? Talk to Leah
Problems? Let Daniel know.
Daniel and Kyle met last week with a gym equipment rep last week, stay tuned for updates
Araba’s Dinner Report:
Chipotle – free coupon, which expires tomorrow!
Burrito bowl: rice, beans, salsa, vegetables
Seminar committee:
Still interviewing, can still sign up to participate via link in email from David Jiang and get in on the BRUNCH
Dining hall committee:
Talk to Sarah with requests/concerns. Leo requests apple cider.
Jack reports that there were Reese’s peanut butter cups by the ice cream – can we bring that back?
Sofia asks: sayburrito?
Max: moose tracks ice cream?
Aryssa: cranberry juice? Morse has it
Housing committee:
Looking for new members! See email from Dean Muller. Meeting Friday, 3pm, with Dean Muller. Great opportunity for freshman to get involved, too!
Jack had interview, thinks he will get the job. Expect more emails, now regarding sustainability as well as Activities.
Expects SAC to become even more sustainable. Leon expects SAC to be held to this expectation.
Aryssa: Where do clothes donated in trash room go? Sarah not sure, probably through YHHAP.
Approaching end of winter season, set records at bowling last Friday
Last bowling of season on Friday!
Master Near asks: What about billiards? Magda says: spring sport.
Brew club:
Beer is ready! Aadi is figuring out with Dan and Larry when is good to serve it (Mellon forum is hard because they’re teaching).
Historical Committee:
Study rooms were added when Saybrary was renovated in 1956 to reduce the number of students over-running Sterling.
Interested in joining SYHSC? (Saybrook Historical Committee, pronounced “Cissy”) Talk to Daniel! There may be a tea sometime soon to discuss SY lore.
Leon has found a bunch of interesting records in the old collection. Let him know if you’re interested in digging through them.
Tomorrow is Final Cut! 5-7pm, come support Saybrugians
Students for a Responsible Drug Policy: Advocating with YCC for expanding current alcohol policy to all drugs
Simplicty: OCS looking to remodel
Treasurer’s Report:
$715 in rolling fund
Madga proposes $28 for cornhole bags because we have the cornhole boards, but not bags. Proposal approved by voting members.
Other business:
Glider will be back around spring break; hammocks will be back around Memorial Day.
Luke Forrester’s SSG - See email from Micah and Facebook event.
Meeting adjourned.