September 1st, 2014
Master and Associate Master’s Report
Associate Master Van Dyke welcomed all of the classmates and freshmen and gave some pertinent advice, which was not recorded here.
Dean’s Report
Dean Muller said: “Welcome and thank you for the biscuit.” Also please don’t try and stuff a bunch of people in the elevator. Because of course stuff goes down when there’s a billion Saybrugians in an elevator.
Committee Reports
SAC (Saybrook Activities Committee)
The SAC members introduced themselves (Ihna, Sarah-Magda, and Adam). Look forward to Saybrook Screw, Assassins, and 3 tailgates this semester!
Facilities Committee works with the Master’s Office to fix things. Report to them if you notice a problem around the college.
We want intramurals to be fun and spirited and maybe we’ll win too! Games start on Wednesday (volleyball, soccer, etc.). Look out for the emails and Hudak points! Bus leaves from Payne Whitney every 15 minutes. It’s a bit of a walk to the fields. Also Kyle Tramonte wants there to be a dance battle at Toads. So there’s that.
Sustainability Committee
Ihna introduced herself as the new chair of the Sustainability Committee. Like them on Facebook and follow them on Instagram! @saybrooksustainability. They meet Monday nights at 9:30 in the dining hall.
Sustainability Fun Fact: The average college student produces 640 pounds of solid waste per year.
Dining Committee
We have better cereal now (kind of)! Talk to Sarah for other cool changes.
Media Committee
The Media Committee writes the Saybrook Seal which is filled with interesting Saybrook news and profiles.
Saybrook Historical Society Committee
Adam, Leon and Jordan are the co-chairs. They meet Friday at 12:30 and have tea!
Dear Past Saybrugians,
Here we sit alone on Valentine’s Day. All we want to do is go out and get drunk. We will now go seek pancakes and alcohol.
Signed with a heart,
Did you know that the bylaws committee is charged with the upkeep of Saybrook’s illustrious Constitution, and currently only has one member? So please see Leon to join!
Also, new business is forbidden at the first meeting of each year because only Executive Committee members have voting rights.
Aaron Berman is the chair of the Saybrook Housing Committee and is also apparently famous.
First YCC Meeting this Wednesday at 7 pm! Chad and Magda are your reps.
Brewing Club
Sign up/email Aadi for the brewing club!
College Seminar Committee
Have a say in the college seminar for Saybrook and interview cool (weird?) professors!
Old Business
Budget meet will be next week. Yombe is treasurer. We usually have a budget of $8500 per semester, a large amount of which goes to SAC. After that we usually have $2000 left. You must send an email to Yombe before next week’s meeting in order to make a budget proposal.
Elections will be held for the Vice President position, as Michael Herbert is now YCC president. “Colleges are where Yale happens.” Everyone needs 5 attendance points to vote. Send nominations for candidates by email to Patrick.