April 15th, 2019

  • Head of College

    • Pretty sure he’s traveling because there was an email kickbacked to Alex when he  emailed Prof Near about this meeting

    • Stay tuned, but likely IMs and Saye and Sele Day

  • Dean’s Report

    • “Stay upright for the rest of the semester.”

    • Be sure to use disinfecting wipes on door knobs

    • We can do this

      • POI: Can we though??

  • SAC

    • Hope you enjoyed the last Amigos Night of the semester on Wednesday!

    • SY Semi Formal is at 10:30 this Friday at Atelier Florian! Buy your tickets!

      • Tickets are $5 and will be sold in the Common Room this week from 5-7. You can also buy guest tickets.

    • Micah sent out an email about Saye and Sele Day, which is this Saturday (April 20th) in the Stone Courtyard from 3-5. There will be a sno-cone machine, a popcorn machine, grilling, and ~frivolity.~

    • From 7-8:30ish there will be s’more and an Open Mic event.

    • POI: Will there be a reading of the Book Thief like a few years ago?

      • POI: What?

        • POI: It’s a reenactment of when Saybrook first arrived and our books were stolen. It happens every year.

          • POI: Would you like to spearhead that? (@Dave)

            • Seconded

              • Hmmm…senior thesis

    • Hoping to have a study break in order to use the rest of the budget by the beginning of reading week, which is when we’re supposed to stop having events.

      • POI: Suggestion of sushi for the study break

    • POI: What are the prizes for March Madness?

      • Got complicated because there was a tax issue with Yale with the prize we wanted to give, but figuring it out with Micah. Will let you know tomorrow/soon

    • POI from Dean Lafargue: If you finished 21st do you still get a prize?

      • Pity clap

  • Community Service

    • The annual AIDS Walk New Haven happened this Saturday and was great!

    • YHHAP (Yale Hunger and Homelessness Project) sent out an email about donating your full day’s meal swipes next Friday to raise money, so do that!

    • Met with someone from Dwight hall recently and learned that Saybrook is 1 of 2 colleges that already had a community service committee before this year and half of the colleges still don’t have it. Saybrook is ahead!

    • There’ll be a big pick up of clothes this coming weekend, so if you want to donate before the end of the year now’s the time.

      • POI: There will also be bins to donate your clothes during move out week.

  • By-Laws

    • Did you know that the only HOC mentioned in the Constitution is Mary Miller?

  • Media

    • Great post today courtesy of @saminoacids

    • Double tap and keep sending pictures

  • Fischer Report

    • Saye and Sele day is Saturday which will require a lot of facilities

    • A lot of facilities were on display in the aforementioned instagram post

      • This committee endorses liking that post. It was truly a joint effort

  • SayQueer

    • Stay tuned

  • Slaydies

    • Keep slaying!!!

  • BlackBrook

    • No update on the Moonlight thing which is kind of sad. Everyone is busy, but we’ll find something else to do

    • Will talk as a collective and figure out what to do with our money

  • College Seminar

    • The selected college seminar is “The Business of Venture Capitalism” taught by Jorge Torres who is a legit billionaire with his own hedge fund company.

    • POI: Is there preference for seniors or people who have never applied?

      • Pro tip, say you interviewed during the trial period

        • 3 or 4 guaranteed seats, then seniors and the major

  • Dining hall

    • There won’t be dinner in the dining hall on Saturday because there’ll be grilling and other food for Saye and Sele Day in the Stone Courtyard from 5-7.

    • Take the survey that was recently sent out via email about your dining hall preferences. It’s helpful feedback!

    • POI: If you put get rid of the Mezza bar and bring back deli meats, nothing happens

    • POI: Write bring back wraps

    • POI: The water pressure of the orange juice is always too low, and it always blows up

      • Joey will email about this

    • POI: For only senior in the room, has it ever worked?

      • It did during the juniors’ first-year

  • Housing

    • DONE

  • Sustainability

    • Be sustainable!  

    • The bees are coming in May to Yale West Campus, and there will be multiple bee hives!!

    • POI: Moving to west campus or coming from there?

      • Moving?

    • POI: Sophia will be the bee manager

  • IMs

    • *Gestures to IM boards*

    • We’re so close, but so far from winning. Everyone’s literally on our tails because we lost dodgeball.

    • POI: How many points do we need?

      • The most points

      • There’s no magical number, but Brett might have a spreadsheet

      • “This is terrifying”

    • POI: We just won Whoops!

  • Saybrew

    • We’ll be serving at Saye and Sele Day!

    • Excited to collab with the beehives

    • POI: Can we harvest that honey and put it in the mead?

      • That’s what the aforementioned sentence meant

    • POI: Jesse has a LOT of questions about these bees!


    • From Dave today!

    • One of the scenes in Indiana Jones was filmed in SY. It was a motorcycle chase from Branford gates through here.

    • That is somehow related to Governor Bingham who interestingly enough only served for governor as a day before being promoted to Senator

    • POI: How did that happen since the governor appoints the Senator?

      • Previous senator made him the senator elect before he died  

    • POI: Which Indiana Jones film?

      • Crystal Skull

  • YCC

    • The elections happened!

    • Our own Grace Kang won VP and Nick Randos and Chase Finney are the SY Senators

    • POI: Kahlil Greene is the first black YCC president

      • Isn’t there an article on a wall about another black YCC president?

    • POI: Did they change the position title from Representative to Senator to make it sound fancier?

      • Yes

  • Old Business

    • None

  • Treasurer’s Report

    • $0.00 in the rolling fund

    • Start returning leftover money

  • New Business

    • This Sunday, the Yale Film Festival will be happening and SY’s very own TJ has a film! Go see it

    • Motion to adjourn