Saybrook College Council

The Saybrook College Council (SCC) has representatives from all classes and its meetings are open to all Saybrook undergraduates. In cooperation with the HOC and Dean, it sponsors a wide variety of projects in the College and discusses matters of general concern to life in Saybrook. 

2024 SCC Executive Board

PresidentMaria Arozamena (‘26)

Vice President: Zahra Virani (‘26)

Treasurer: Samantha Yera (‘26)

Secretary: Auston Collings (‘26)

Saybrook Activities Committee:  Devin Wu (‘27) and Seth Baker (‘27)

Committee Chairs

Blackbrook:  Janae-Rose Fageyinbo (‘26)

Committee of Art: Thisbe Wu (‘26)

College Seminar Committee: Tony Potchernikov (‘23 + 1), Kayleigh Hackett (‘25)

Community Service CommitteeComing soon

Dining Hall Representative: Aranyo Ray (‘25)

Gaybrook:  Roy Kohavi (‘26)

Intramurals: Visit the Intramurals Page for a complete list of Saybrook’s IM Secretaries

Saybrew: Malachai York (‘28)

Saybrook Historical Society Committee: Zahra Virani (‘26)

Saysians: Thisbe Wu (‘26)

Saytines:  Andrea Chow (‘25) & Auston Collings (‘26)

Slaydies: Elizabeth Stanish (‘26) & Grace Malko (‘28)

Sustainability Committee: Callie Krueger (‘25) & Isabelle Ramseyer (‘25)

Tea Committee: 

Yale College Council Representatives: Sovy Pham( ‘26) & Alex Schapiro (‘26)

Saybrook College Council Constitution