Fellows Network Search

Saybrugians: The Saybrook fellows, who hold faculty or administrative appointments throughout the university, or play prominent roles in our community in a broad range of professions, have made themselves available to you as you explore professional options of your own after you graduate from Yale. If you would like to learn more about the career paths the Saybrook fellows have followed, know that they are happy to talk to or meet with you, in most cases right here in Saybrook. Take some time to look through the list of fellows, and write to or call them if you would like to find out more about the work they do, how they prepared for it, and opportunities in their fields. In addition to their professional backgrounds, you will find their contact information and preferences in their profiles.

Use this to filter fellows based on their profession

Cynthia Clair

Profession: Administrator
Professional Title: Executive Director
Organization: Arts Council of Greater New Haven
Primary Professional Discipline: Art or Art History
Second Professional Discipline: Theatre Studies

Arts management. I am executive director of a local arts service agency, working to promote and support the creative industry including arts organizations and individual artists. My expertise includes arts marketing, advocacy, program development and management and fundraising.

Contact Preference: Phone
Phone Number: 203-772-2788
Best time(s) to contact: 9 to 5 Mon to Fri
Email Address: cclair@newhavenarts.org

Merle Nacht

Profession: Artist
Professional Title:
Primary Professional Discipline: Art or Art History
Second Professional Discipline:

I have worked as a freelance editorial illustrator for over thirty years, with clients such as The New Yorker, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, as well as numerous corporations and book publishers. Many of my drawings and more information are on my website, merlenacht.com. I would be happy to talk to students about the field of illustration or more generally about working as a visual artist.

Contact Preference: Phone
Phone Number: 203 7527577
Best time(s) to contact: any time
Email Address: merlenacht@snet.net

Scott Delman

Profession: Business Owner
Professional Title: CEO
Organization: Blue Spruce Productions
Primary Professional Discipline: Theatre or Theatre Studies
Second Professional Discipline: Finance

Dual career - run an entertainment business which produces plays and musicals for Broadway and London’s West End. Also manage a private equity business and worked for 25 years on Wall Street.

Contact Preference: Email
Phone Number: smdelman@gmail.com
Best time(s) to contact:
Email Address: smdelman@gmail.com

Arthur Nacht

Profession: Consultant
Professional Title: Principal
Organization: Nacht Theatre Consulting, LLC
Primary Professional Discipline: Theatre or Theatre Studies
Second Professional Discipline: Finance

Arthur completed a thirty-year career in corporate finance in 2001. For fourteen of those years he was Director of Financial Planning at Packard Bioscience Company, a scientific instrument company. He has extensive experience in corporate financial analysis and corporate strategic planning. He has received two degrees in business administration: a Bachelor of Science in finance with honors from Syracuse University (1969) and an MBA in finance from Harvard Business School (1971). He also holds an MFA degree in theatre management from Yale School of Drama (2006). Nacht is the principal of Nacht Theatre Consulting, LLC, a consulting practice devoted to the financial and strategic management of performing arts organizations, especially not-for-profit theatres. He is currently co-leading a five-year evaluation of Leading for the Future: Innovative Support for Artistic Excellence, an initiative developed and managed by Nonprofit Finance Fund and funded by Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. That initiative is exploring new business and funding models for the nonprofit performing arts sector.

Contact Preference: Phone
Phone Number: home: 203-752-7555; office: 203-752-1566
Best time(s) to contact: Evenings at home number
Email Address: anacht@nachtconsulting.com

Patricia Behre

Profession: Educator
Professional Title: Associate Professor of History
Organization: Fairfield University
Primary Professional Discipline: History
Second Professional Discipline: Religion

I am a Yale college grad and Yale Ph.D., with an early career in journalism, now teaching history at Fairfield University and publishing in the field of early modern European history and Jewish-Christian relations.

Contact Preference: Email
Phone Number:
Best time(s) to contact:
Email Address: patrbehre@sbcglobal.net

Bill Brown

Profession: Educator
Professional Title: Director
Organization: Eli Whitney Museum
Primary Professional Discipline: History
Second Professional Discipline: Psychology

It appears that I know most about disciplines that are none of the above. I an educator interested in learning outside of the traditional compass of university training.

Contact Preference: Phone
Phone Number: 203-777-1833
Best time(s) to contact: Evening
Email Address: wb@eliwhitney.org

Robert Crabtree

Profession: Educator
Professional Title: Whitehead Prof Chem
Organization: Yale U Chem Dept
Primary Professional Discipline: Chemistry
Second Professional Discipline:

Teaching & research; organometallic chemistry; renewable energy; energy storage; living & working in UK & France.

Contact Preference: Email
Phone Number: 203-432-3925
Best time(s) to contact: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Email Address: robert.crabtree@yale.edu

John Treat

Profession: Educator
Professional Title: Professor
Organization: Yale University
Primary Professional Discipline: Literature
Second Professional Discipline:

Modern and contemporary East Asian cultural and literary studies, especially of Japan and Korea; LGBT Studies

Contact Preference: Email
Phone Number:
Best time(s) to contact:
Email Address: john.treat@yale.edu

Martha Venter

Profession: Educator
Professional Title:
Organization: Hopkins School
Primary Professional Discipline: Languages
Second Professional Discipline:

Associate Director of Admissions Coach (Field Hockey, Tennis) French, Spanish teacher Language Trips coordinator

Contact Preference: Phone
Phone Number: 203-710-8336
Best time(s) to contact: 4 pm - 10 pm
Email Address: mventer@hoopkins.edu

Fred (J. Frederick) Berg

Profession: Lawyer
Professional Title: Managing Partner
Organization: Russin, Vecchi, Berg & Bernstein LLP
Primary Professional Discipline: Law
Second Professional Discipline: Business

I represent and advocate the interest of U.S., Asian and European businesses and individuals in commercial transactions including the negotiation and drafting of all types of commercial agreements, real estate and construction contracts, commercial leases, joint venture agreements, and other commercial contracts. My work includes the structuring, operation, merger, acquisition, disposition and reorganization of corporations, limited liability companies and other business units as well as complex commercial real estate transactions.

Contact Preference: Phone
Phone Number: 212-490-6644
Best time(s) to contact: Anytime (voice mail 24/7)
Email Address: fred.berg@aya.yale.edu

Cynthia Carr

Profession: Lawyer
Professional Title: Director of International Legal Affairs
Organization: Yale University
Primary Professional Discipline: Law
Second Professional Discipline:

Supporting Yale in the execution of activities overseas. This includes drafting agreements, structuring employment arrangements, assuring compliance with internal policies and external regulations, training university personnel on applicable legal obligations.

Contact Preference: Phone
Phone Number: 203-432-4949
Best time(s) to contact:
Email Address: cynthia.carr@yale.edu

Terry Jones

Profession: Lawyer
Professional Title: Partner
Organization: Wiggin & Dana
Primary Professional Discipline: Law
Second Professional Discipline: Business

Corporate atty ; taught Yale college seminar four years; military veteran; writer; reporting from Afghanistan and Iraq; builder of start-up companies

Contact Preference: Phone
Phone Number: 203-498-4324
Best time(s) to contact: Anytime
Email Address: tjones@wiggin.com

Amanda Kotlyar

Profession: Manager
Professional Title: Manager
Organization: Pitney Bowes
Primary Professional Discipline: Finance
Second Professional Discipline: Business

Strategic business development, financial modeling, structured finance/asset-backed bond origination & marketing, IPOs, secondary stock offerings, spin-offs, carve-outs

Contact Preference: Email
Phone Number:
Best time(s) to contact:
Email Address: amanda.dezutter@aya.yale.edu

Janet Lindner

Profession: Manager
Professional Title: Associate Vice President for Administration
Organization: Yale University
Primary Professional Discipline: Business
Second Professional Discipline:

How to manage higher education (administration); running campus operations, including public safety; running a city (as an administrator, not an elected official).

Contact Preference: Email
Phone Number:
Best time(s) to contact:
Email Address: janet.lindner@yale.edu

Stephen Young

Profession: Other
Professional Title: Rare Book Team Leader
Organization: Yale University Library
Primary Professional Discipline: Languages
Second Professional Discipline: Religion

As Rare Book Team Leader, I lead a team of eight catalog librarians and two catalog assistants. We create the online cataloging records for the printed materials (books, broadsides, etc.) acquired by the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. My profession and primary discipline is rare book librarianship.

Contact Preference: Phone
Phone Number: 203-432-8385
Best time(s) to contact: 9:30 - 5:00, M-F
Email Address: stephen.young@yale.edu

Akina Younge

Profession: Other
Professional Title: Assistant Director of Admissions
Organization: Yale Undergraduate Admissions Office
Primary Professional Discipline: Sociology
Second Professional Discipline:

The job is divided into three main responsibilities: 1. traveling to my region to present to students about Yale, 2. reading college admissions applications and presenting the applications to the decision committee, 3. helping to yield students so that they matriculate to Yale.

Contact Preference: Phone
Phone Number: 203-432-9316
Best time(s) to contact:
Email Address: akina.younge@yale.edu

Kristaps Keggi

Profession: Physician
Professional Title: Elihu Professor Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation
Organization: Yale Univ., Sch. Med.
Primary Professional Discipline: Medicine
Second Professional Discipline: Medicine

Orthopaedic surgery with clinical, surgical, teaching and research activities primarily in the field of total joint replacements.

Contact Preference: Email
Phone Number:
Best time(s) to contact:
Email Address: kristaps.keggi@yale.edu

Kyle Pruett

Profession: Physician
Professional Title: Clinical Prof. Child Psychiatry
Organization: Yale Child Study Center and self-employed
Primary Professional Discipline: Medicine
Second Professional Discipline: Music

As a clinician and academic educator/ researcher, I’m now working at the border separating the not-for-profit and for-profit worlds of child wellbeing, conducting research on reducing abuse and neglect in at-risk populations using innovative methods while also serving on the Sesame Workshop Bd of Directors, and in private practice. I write for both the scientific and lay communities and do regular media/journalistic work. I’m an involved father of four and my wife is an endowed-tenured professor at Smith and hence intimately familiar with work-family challenges. Once a Whiffenpoof always a Whiffenpoof, therefore my ongoing involvement in performing arts as a performer and a researcher. Am in New Haven on Tuesdays and happy to talk about mentorship via email kyle.pruett@yale.edu or 203-887-7985. More self-serving blather at drkylepruett.com. Due to my private practice, am not a FaceBukr…

Contact Preference: Phone
Phone Number: 203-887-7985
Best time(s) to contact: Mornings
Email Address: kyle.pruett@yale.edu

Jeffrey Salomon

Profession: Physician
Professional Title: Assistant clinical professor of surgery (plastic)
Primary Professional Discipline: Medicine
Second Professional Discipline:

Contact Preference: Email
Phone Number:
Best time(s) to contact:
Email Address: jsalomon@optonline.net

Jun Korenaga

Profession: Researcher
Professional Title: Professor
Organization: Yale
Primary Professional Discipline: Geology & Geophysics
Second Professional Discipline:

Earth and planetary sciences in general.

Contact Preference: Email
Phone Number:
Best time(s) to contact:
Email Address: jun.korenaga@yale.edu

Tassos Kyriakides

Profession: Researcher
Professional Title: Biostatistician/Epidemiologist
Organization: Yale Center for Analytical Sciences/ VA Cooperative Studies Program
Primary Professional Discipline: Public Health
Second Professional Discipline:

Epidemiologist (infectious diseases; focus on HIV/AIDS) -Biostatistician on US/international medical research projects (clinical trials and observational studies) -Work on a number of infectious disease projects with emphasis on HIV epidemiology, prevention, treatment and drug-resistance. -Statistical consultant/analyst

Contact Preference: Email
Phone Number:
Best time(s) to contact:
Email Address: tassos.kyriakides@yale.edu

Patricia Moehlman

Profession: Researcher
Professional Title:
Organization: Self-employed
Primary Professional Discipline: Biological Sciences
Second Professional Discipline:

Behavioral ecology of canids and equids Conservation of wild equids

Contact Preference: Email
Phone Number:
Best time(s) to contact:
Email Address: pdmbhf@aol.com

Thomas Near

Profession: Researcher
Professional Title: Associate Professor
Organization: Yale University
Primary Professional Discipline: Biological Sciences
Second Professional Discipline: History

I am an evolutionary biologist interested in processes of speciation and adaptive radiation. My work uses genomic tools to study evolutionary questions in fishes. I also serve as the curator of the fish collection at the Peabody Museum of Natural History. Field sites visiting by my research group include the southeastern United States, islands in the Caribbean, and Antarctica. As an undergraduate I was a history major studying ancient Greece. My undergraduate thesis was on the methods of gathering knowledge in Aristotle’s surviving biological writings.

Contact Preference: Phone
Phone Number: 203-432-3002
Best time(s) to contact: 9 am - 5 pm
Email Address: thomas.near@yale.edu

Neta Rabin

Profession: Researcher
Professional Title: Gibbs Assistant Prof.
Primary Professional Discipline: Computer Science
Second Professional Discipline: Mathematics

Contact Preference: Email
Phone Number:
Best time(s) to contact:
Email Address: neta.rabin@yale.edu

Carlos Riobo

Profession: Researcher
Professional Title: Associate Professor
Organization: The City University of New York
Primary Professional Discipline: Literature
Second Professional Discipline:

I am a scholar of contemporary Latin American literature. As a professor at The City College of New York-CUNY, I teach graduate and undergraduate students. My research is often done through CUNY’s Graduate Center’s Bildner Center for Western Hemispheric Studies. I also have a number of administrative responsabilities: am deputy chair of my department, run scholarships, etc. Outside of academia, I serve on several non-profit boards, such as The Callen-Lorde Community health Center in NYC.

Contact Preference: Phone
Phone Number: 917-837-8838
Best time(s) to contact: Anytime
Email Address: cr225@columbia.edu

Andrea DaRif

Profession: Writer
Professional Title: Author
Organization: Self-employed
Primary Professional Discipline: Literature
Second Professional Discipline: Art or Art History

I’m an award-winning author of popular fiction—more specifically, historical romance novels and historical mystery novels.I’m an award-winning author of popular fiction—more specifically, historical romance novels and historical mystery novels.

Contact Preference: Email
Phone Number:
Best time(s) to contact:
Email Address: andreadarif@gmail.com

Judith Dupre

Profession: Writer
Professional Title: Author/design consultant
Organization: Self-employed
Primary Professional Discipline: Architecture
Second Professional Discipline: Religion

Author, teacher and arts advocate. My work in the fields of art, architecture and theology explore the essential relationship between creativity and humanity’s search for meaning. I’ve written several bestselling books of illustrated nonfiction that have been translated into 10 languages. I could discuss career options in publishing, architecture and the visual arts with you, and/or help you focus your book-in-progress. Best to contact me first via email. For more info: www.judithdupre.com

Contact Preference: Phone
Phone Number: 914-777-0645
Best time(s) to contact: After 7 am, before 9 pm
Email Address: judithdupre@gmail.com