April 1st, 2019

Head of College

·     Lets keep the Tyng!

·     **Clapping**

Dean’s Report

·     Juniors housing is tomorrow

·     Please be kind and reconfigure yourself if you’re in a triple or a single, or else the (un)magic button will do it for you

o  Please make some friends tonight or tomorrow morning and re-group

·     Also lock your groups!


·     Amigos next Wednesday, last one of the year :’(

·     Saybrook Semiformal is April 19that Florian

·     We will still be giving prizes for top 3 brackets for March Madness

·     POI: If you made a bracket and didn’t put it in the group, is it too late to add it?

o  Yes

·     Saye and Sele Day is coming up

Community Service

·     Keep donating clothes

·     Dwight Hall’s Spring Day of Service is April 6th, register by April 4th

·     April 14this the Aids Walk

·     Dwight Hall is trying to partner w/ local YMCA to create a program that combing art and sustainability, if anyone is interested reach out to Mary

·     Having a meeting tomorrow about community service and Saybrook

·     POI: Is the Dwight Hall x YMCA program about tutoring in arts?

o  It will probably be with young children and combine arts and suitability 


·     It is the purpose of the SCC to improve the image of SY in the Yale community (Article 1 section 1 part C, or something)

Media Committee

·     Take cute pictures with friends on hammocks

·     Recent submission to be posted after this meeting 

·     Exciting!

Fischer report

·     Don’t have a lot to report but the hammocks are out

·     Just don’t break stuff


·     Waiting to hear back from Tarell McCraney on what dates work for him to do a collab with SayQueer and BlackBrook it will be someday the week of April 21st


·     Keep slaying 

·     Whoops playoff game 


·     See SayQueer for announcement 

College Seminar

·     David is relinquishing powers at end of the year, he is looking for someone to replace him

·     The only perk of the position is you don’t have to go to the seminars to go to the dinner

Dining Hall

·     No big announcements, we are back on chicken tender week so look forward to that


·     Please lock your groups, if you don’t Dave will “personally come find you and expel you from the housing draw”


·     Student reached out about sustainability of butteries

o  Any student who purchases a plant-based item will get a lottery ticket to enter to win Claire’s giftcards


·     C-hoops forfeit win

·     Golf coming up, there is no way you can hurt the team by participating

·     “We have ringers from the fellows for golf” –Prof. Near

·     “That is extra legal” –Ben Kaslow-Zieve

·     “No, that is completely legal, it isextra-legal to have you as our quarterback” –Prof. Near


·     Catch us at Saye and Sele day!


·     There is going to be a new painting in the dining hall of former Master Paul Hudak, it will be hung after finals

·     He died in office of leukemia, he was a great computer scientist, avid IMs booster, and he always wanted to win the Tyng cup, and we did


·     Elections are coming up, if you want to run for YCC Senate look out for that

·     If you want to run for YCC President, VP or Events Director, those spots are open as well

Treasurer’s Report

·     $0.00 in rolling fund

Old Business

·     Nothing

New Business

·     Nothing

·     Motion to adjourn