February 17, 2020

Written by Head Near, Revised by Ben Beckman (frosh Ben)
 Head of College:
o Head Near took this set of minutes because he told Frosh Ben to go play waterpolo! Frosh Ben did revisions though. And we won, 4-2!
 Dean’s Report
o Read his emails please!
 SAC:
o There will be an Insomnia Cookie study break the Wednesday before spring break!
 Community Service:
o Clothes were picked up. Voter registration coming soon!
 By-Laws: 
o The Treasurer reserves the right to have receipts to go to them before HOC.
 Media:
o No new posts.
 Fischer Report:
o Don’t break things. If you do, call facilities. Frosh Victoria will take over the Fischer Report!
 GayBrook:
o Renamed GayBrook!
o We are launching an event with support of HOC Office. More details to come!
 SlaYdies:
o Planning an outing to women’s basketball and lacrosse games.
o Lots of new interest in SlaYdies leadership!
 BlackBrook:
o Hosting an event this Friday evening, regarding the anniversary of Malcom X’s assassination.
 College Seminar:
o Interviews started today, the next round is tomorrow. Please show up on time!
 Kamm Report:
o Heather Tapper (Yale dining admin) says make your own Caesear salad, Guacamole coming in March! We may not be able to get Sunbutter due to cost. No garlic cloves due to waste from first semester.
 Koomson Report: 
o Jazzy had a half a serving of warmed-over fried rice. This is a very boring dinner.
 Housing:
o Email with housing calendar is coming out this week.
 IMs:
o We are winning. Keep coming out. SY WATER POLO IS CRUSSSSHIING!
 Saybrew:
o Getting passed to the next generation! It will live on!
o We have two courtyards in Saybrook, Killingworth and Saybrook, but in each courtyard there is a millstone from the towns.
 YCC:
o Double majoring is now paperless. YCC was instrumental in the mixed college housing. A flu shot pop up last week. Working to make mental health more accessible to students.
 Sustainability:
o There are QR codes in the dining hall asking people to think about carbon impact of your meal.
 SY Committee of Art:
o Will be meeting at 1:30 PM on Saturdays.
 Old Business:
o The Potluck was great and we have first years taking it over next year!
 Treasurer Report:
o 0 dollars and 0 cents in the rolling fund.
 New Business:
o Plates and chairs are missing from the Squiche. Please return them!
o SY Movie Night will not be showing The Room :(