February 6th, 2017


February 6th, 2017


·      IRIS run for the refugees took place over the weekend

·      45 -50 Saybrugians ran, $3000 raised

·      Felix Cancre came in second overall – congrats!

·      Ski trip is next weekend

·      More events to come

·      April – Dick Cavett will be the Saybrook fellow for tea

·      Opened to all of Saybrook students in a lottery

Dean’s Report

·      Read email


·      Successful Super Bowl Party

·      Shoutout to John and Alex for helping

·      Shoutout to freshmen for coming

·      Planning on Amigos on the February 15th

Community Service

·      IRIS run happened

·      Keep ears out for more opportunities

·      Leah POI: What is sunrise?

o   A soup kitchen that we can go to every Friday to volunteer


·      Did you know that the Constitution states there will be 6 members on the Executive Committee?

·      Those positions are president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, and SAC

·      Leon POI: It does not actually require 6, but rather it’s a tradition to have 2 SAC chairs


·      Like our Saybrook Facebook page

·      Micah has photos that will be posted soon

·      Send more pictures!


·      If things are broken, let Daniel know or report online


·      Brunch is planned this weekend

·      Will send out email for preference times

·      Interviews will start sometime this month

Dining hall

·      We don’t have Rice Krispies in box

·      Roger POI: Don’t have enough Smart Start cereal

·      Email if there are any problems


·      Goal: to finish all of housing this year in a single week

·      Be ready for email as to how to join committee and updates to rules


·      Looking into getting the electronics disposal bins


·      Check Brett’s email

·      Need Broomball captain

·      Indoor Soccer starting this week


·      read email


·      In touch with grad student helper Max, trying to get a trip to old Saybrook going

·      Potentially making a guide to Saybrook book

·      Involved with restoration of crests so email if you want to be involved

·      Leon is looking for a replacement as co-chair


·      This weekend UOC Dwight Hall grant is being put out

·      We have task forces on New Haven relation and athletics if you want to get involved

·      Opening on the teaching and learning committee

·      Spring Fling release party is scheduled for next Wednesday

·      Leon POI: Who is it?

o   We don’t know


·      No money in rolling fund

·      Email David if money does not be needed

New Business

·      Potluck has been scheduled for February 19th

·      Be ready for an email

·      First have people who want to cook signup, and then those who want to clean