February 9, 2015


February 9, 2015

Master and Associate Master’s Report

·      E-maill from AMVID. Master Hudak had a big breakthrough and is expected back next week.

Dean’s Report

·      Housing will be done in increments.

·      Housing calendar is now posted on Saybrook website’s calendar.

·      By Feb 23, we’ll have 3 separate meetings by class to discuss housing.

Committee Reports

SAC (Saybrook Activities Committee)

·      Bar Pizza study break next Wednesday

·      At least two study breaks before spring break

·      Viva’s will happen right after spring break on a Wednesday (for the seniors!)

Community Service

·      Meeting sometime next week to plan ideas for this semester.

·      Dwight Hall is requesting a representative in Saybrook.

·      Big things to come.


·      Searching for a replacement for committee head, who will serve as a liaison between Saybrook students and Marybeth (not a big commitment).


·      Swimming on Thursday: swimmers and floaters eligible.

·      Encourage your friends, suitemates, anyone to come to IMs!

·      And Aadi’s favorite IM is bowling! (Think of childhood bowling birthday parties.)

Sustainability Committee

·      Successful Meatless Monday, with many new participants.

·      For the first times, the committee met during Meatless Monday at a table in the back of the dining hall.

·      Sustainability Star of the Week is none other than Dean Muller!!!

·      Looking to run a freshman orientation program about sustainability, which will be piloted in Saybrook! Thanks to Dean Muller, frocos, and sustainability staff!

Dining Committee

·      Searching for someone to take a leadership position in the dining committee, which will include communication with the dining hall manager.

·      Jordan proposed a pasta bar, mmmm.

Media Committee

·      After a successful semester, the media committee torch is passed to Kellen. A hero is born.

·      Follow Saybrook on twitter at @SaybrookCC.

Saybrook Historical Society Committee

·      IM fact from1953: Friday, October 30th Saybrook was in dead last with 31 points.


·      Whenever a committee does not have a chair, the president becomes the interim chair automatically.


·      Like Dean Muller said, let her know if you’re interested in participating this semester! The Housing process will begin soon.


·      Great meeting led by Michael Herbert, completed in recorded time!

·      Read this week’s YCC newsletter: a lot of information about mental health issues and financial aid reform.

·      Two potential projects: fixing labels in the dining hall and a Bluebook-like application for majors, so that people could search up different majors and interact with those already in the major.

·      Standing desk project is now being piloted at Bass: reduces risk of cardiovascular disease and premature death! That’s right…studying can kill.

·      (To this, Sarah suggests exercise ball desks.)

College Seminar Committee

·      Interviews for college seminars begin next week.

·      Sign up, interview cool professionals – and remember, there will be a Saybrook sponsored brunch for committee members.

Old Business

$220 in the fund, no new proposals – so send those proposals in!

New Business

·      Left treadmill in the gym needs to be replaced!

o   Changes speed every 2 seconds, safety hazard, etc.

·      Blender in dining hall: Ihna and Sarah will talk to Jeff.

o   (Concern with allergens.)

·      Pull-up bar.

·      Alex brought up the fifth floor of entryway E: vent in the bathroom that blows cold air continuously out of the vent.

·      Important SCC update – we are looking for new leadership: SHSC, Dining Hall, Facilities, college seminar committee, long-lost brew club, and clothing committee. If anyone has interest in any of this, please talk to Aadi. We want new involvement, especially freshmen! While it’s not a big time commitment, a lot can be done!