January 13th, 2020

  • Head of College 

    • Welcome back everyone! 

      • “Thank you” - John 

      • “He always has my back.” - Prof Near 

    • Not a lot going on this week. Fellows dinner this Thursday that the seniors were invited to and they’ll be having more people than usual there 

    • Re: Portraits. The person commissioned to do the Bouchet one just received his deposit, so we can expect a revealing in late March/early April this year in some of the empty wall space in the dining hall. More updates to come 

  • Dean’s Report 

    • Hope you registered today. If not, do it tomorrow and cough up $50

    • Course enrollment is due next week

    • POI: If you’re looking at a class that meets only on Friday but won’t this week because of the Monday schedule, can you still shop it?

      • No. if you really want to take it you’ll have to add it to your final OCS sheet and if you don’t like it, drop it. 

  • SAC

    • Nothing to report but look out for Amigos and getting our new SAC chairs next week 

  • Community Service 

    • Really glad to hear Mikayla is interested 

    • Will take a couple of weeks for more to pick up again

    • Exciting stuff with new leadership

  • By-Laws

    • Did you know?: You need 2 points to vote in the budget meeting next week, so sign in! 

    • POI: What is a point?

      • A voting point. Each time you attend a meeting, you get a point towards a vote 

    • POI: You lose a point if you miss a meeting, but you can’t go negative 

      • Lots of shock

      • Moral of the story is keep coming to the meetings! Fun and food! 

    • POI: Why are points counted after the budget meeting?

      • For special committee votes, etc. 

  • Media

    • Eyes peeled looking for some good photos of/for SY

    • Sam took a personal instagram cleanse to come back fresh for SY

    • Yale did a post of the four seasons and 2 were of the SY courtyard. Repost? But also frustrated by the lack of courtyard cred and definitely will be sending an email about what is borderline plagiarism here 

    • POI: John was at the hockey game where we lost terribly (7-0). Yale showed a video there featuring the graduating class of SY with Prof Near and Dean Lafargue holding the flag. It also showed John, Tamar and Nat cheering at a different game, but John was front and center

      • POI: That was a long flex

  • Fischer Report

    • Hope everyone followed the SYstainability checklist over break and didn’t break stuff, but if you did, call facilities 

  • SayQueer

    • Stay Queer!

  • SlaYdies

    • Had a really nice brunch at the end of last semester and looking forward to more great stuff this one! 

  • BlackBrook

    • Had a study break over reading period and also hoping to continue activities this semester

  • College Seminar

    • It started. Nothing to report

    • Had a big dinner at the end of last semester for all the people involved in the selection process 

  • Dining hall

    • POI: No Joey, but he was instrumental in the 31-30 Choops win, which was a top 10 victory

    • POI: John has enjoyed the food recently and the staff has been very accommodating towards his injury, so he’s happy 

    • Koomson Report

      • Sinem had the chicken 

  • Housing

    • First-years can expect an email about whether or not they want to be on the housing committee

    • POI: Junior housing?

      • Juniors choose after the seniors and sophomores. Suites can be in any available size configuration

  • IMs

    • Won CHoops 31-30. Many cheers! 

    • Bowling also starts this week (practice on Friday) as well as Broomball, Whoops, Coed Innertube Water Polo and Bhoops

    • POI: For bowling you’re transported to Amity and SY buys you food as well as beer if you’re a senior. Only college that does this. The 2 years we’ve won the Tyng cup have been because of bowling. It’s ginormous 

      • POI: Why? Numbers or skill?

        • Both 

        • Normally double other teams scores because of @Micah Luce 

          • Paternity leave or bowling?

  • Saybrew

    • Went through SYder and beer faster than ever before at last event. Nice work seniors for helping out 

    • POI: “Awkward.” - Prof Near

      • Also Prof Near 

    • Currently brewing seltzer and if anyone else wants to brew anything, there are many empty kegs. You don’t have to be over 21 and Sam would love to teach someone so this tradition can continue after he graduates! It’s a low time commitment (less than an hour/ week) and it’s nice to provide beverages unlike other colleges 


    • Many know that we have a sister institution to the North, which is Adams House. However, we also have one across the pond with Emmanuel College at the University of Cambridge, although we don’t have one with Oxford. Will work on it

    • POI: Track team always host Oxford/Cambridge/Harvard here. Should we set up a mixer with all of them here?

      • POI: Definitely sounds like something Conrad could handle

  • YCC

    • No new updates as their meeting is next week. Got an email today from Khalil of their midterm review, which includes a brand new website reveal. It looks great!

    • POI: The link for the Schwarzman Center updates included in that email is incorrect and brings you to the GLC, but frosh Ben is interested in those updates 

  • SYstainability

    • POI: Danielle is doing a semester abroad, but Chris West is taking over! The t-shirts for the reps are also officially designed and in the works of being ordered 

  • Old Business

    • Formation of the new committee to work on getting rid of the random non-SY affiliated  portraits in the dining hall and diversifying them 

    • POI: Can’t we not vote on this because none of us are technically voting members? 

    • POI: Who is interested? Sam is taking down names for the future 

      • Frosh Ben,… more. 

    • POI: Is the woman in the stellar blue/black dress relevant to SY?

      • Allison Henning, whose name is also engraved on the Common Room wall 

    • POI: Who is the one who looks like an egg?

      • Will look after the meeting

    • POI: John has looked at descriptions of the portraits late at night when studying in the dining hall and some are quite interesting. Would recommend

  • Treasurer’s Report

    • Get psyched for the budget meeting next week. Mariel will send an email out tomorrow outlining details for next week and will follow up next week

    • $16,000 in the rolling fund 

    • POI: Don’t forget to appropriately itemize your budget reports. 

  • New Business

    • POI: Does anyone know if the Squiche hours will be regular this semester?

      • Joey Kamm is working Monday and Tuesday but it’s all we know

      • Lucy Wilkins is the manager and can answer these questions

      • POI: Heard the problem is there wasn’t much interest in working there, so if you are interested in the job reach out and/or encourage friends to

    • POI: John is proposing a motion to run next week’s budget meeting because Alex will be absent. 

      • POI: Isn’t that what a VP’s role is? 

      • We’ll table this and bring it up in 2 meetings, also only the executive committee can vote on this 

      • Democracy has been silenced 

    • POI: If you’re interested in any specific SY gear talk to Sam or Mariel and they’ll make it happen

  • Motion to Adjourn

    • Seconded