April 7th, 2014


April 7th, 2014

Master and Associate Master’s Report

·      Master’s Tea tomorrow with Emily Wang, who will be presenting on prisoner’s rights.

·      There will be an Underbrook Coffeehouse with Saybob preforming Friday night

Dean’s Report

·      Nothing to report.

Committee Reports

SAC (Saybrook Activities Committee)

·      Keep up with Assassins!

·      Insomnia cookies study break next week

Community Service

·      Sign up for YHHAP Fast this Friday!


·      Please email Cami with any complaints/critiques about the gym! What equipment should we move to the left?


·      Branford and TD were playing an IM and it got a little heated and someone was shoved. There were lots of feelings.

·      Remember your sportsmanship! Playoffs are coming up so please play in the regular season games!

Sustainability Committee

·      Check out the video on Saybrook Sustainability’s Facebook about meat!

·      Sustainability Stars of the Week are: Emma Goldberg and Aaron Berman, who went to Iceland over Spring Break and took an amazing photo.

Dining Committee

·      Nothing to report.

Media Committee

·      Nothing to report.

Saybrook Historical Society Committee

·      We’ll be meeting on Friday at 12:30 in the Fellows Lounge.

·      According the1934 Saybrook Seal the food in the dining hall was
dull, cold and unpalatable.”


·      Did you know that any Saybrugian that signs into an SCC meeting after New Business has been announced is considered late and does not get an attendance point.


·      Senior housing has been completed, so pay attention to the white board, particularly rising Juniors. Rising junior and sophomore lottery is this Friday, rising junior draw is also this Friday, and rising sophomore draw is next Friday.


·      Student Activities Fee debate about a potential proposal to raise the fee.  YCC is also trying to get it covered by financial aid for those who qualify.  The fee would go towards club sports, Spring Fling, etc.

·      YCEI will be working on a program for positive resiliency and student mental health wellness on Yale’s campus.

·      Campaigning for YCC Exec board starts this Thursday, and voting is next Thursday.  Support your Saybrugians!

·      Sign up to be on the University Standings Committee to have a voice on things like shopping period, Excomm policies, etc.

Brewing Club

·      Nothing to report.

College Seminar Committee

·      Nothing to report.

Old Business

Mr. Yale (see below.)

New Business

Potential Mr. Yale nominee is Andrew Hendricks!  Email Patrick with any other suggestions. Maybe Max Bryski?