February 2nd, 2015
Dean’s Report
Emails emails read the emails this is the email song! (Melody forthcoming).
Master’s Report
Master Hudak is still in the hospital but he is recovery and things are looking better. SAC will be organizing a college-wide card signing for him.
SAC Report
· The Super Bowl Party was a success! Benson May won the survey. Be on the lookout for study breaks and talk to Ihna or Magda.
· “The laundry room needs a lot of work.”—Leon
Bylaws Committee
· Did you know that Saybrook elections follow the rules of Single Transferable Votes? Except for tonight because every position was uncontested.
College Seminar Committee
· Please respond to our emails. Please. We’re begging you.
Dining Hall Committee
· Meatless Monday is still a thing. Think about it. Also you can leave you water bottles in a bin behind the card swipe station and they will be washed for you!
Housing Committee
· Talk to Aaron Berman if you want to be involved with the Housing Committee, and start thinking about who you want to live with!
Saybrook Sustainability Committee
· There was a meeting with Associate Master Van Dyke, who reminded us we need to bring back all of our dining hall dishes.
· It’s snowing. Stuff gets cancelled. The IM Secretaries want to limit the number of club hockey players on the ice at one time, which is discriminating against Saybrook. We should protest. But now club water polo players will be allowed to play IM water polo!
Saybrook Historical Society Committee
· Saybrook won IM football in 1956, and 2014!
Yale College Council
· Job shadowing opportunities may be opening up at OCS soon! Also YCC sends congratulations to Patrick on his last day as SCC president.
Old Business
There are $220 in the rolling fund, so send in proposals
New Business
Leon Ebani was nominated for Treasurer.
Sarah Holder was nominated for VP.
Aadi Tolappa was nominated for President.
David Kurkovskiy was nominated for secretary.
All of these people were elected into their nominated positions.
Associate Master Van Dyke/Dining Services are considering training a group of students to learn how to operate the dish washing machine for when the dining hall is short staffed during an emergency.
Dwight Hall is considering creating a community service representative from each college for various projects.
And for my last meeting minutes I will finish with this Beyonce-inspired gem: