April 20th, 2015


April 20th, 2015

Master and Associate Master’s Report

·      Keep sending messages to Master Hudak – AMVD is reading them to him and he appreciates the support!

Committee Reports

SAC (Saybrook Activities Committee)

·      Study break last week and Say and Sele Day were successful!

·      Study break this Wednesday.


·      IM athletes of the week: Patrick and Kyle

·      Go Felix for making an amazing time in the Boston Marathon

Saybrook Historical Society Committee

·      Everyone had fun during Say and Sele Day

·      In 2009, Say and Sele Day fell on a Friday and Ann-Marie rode on a mechanical bull and lasted 8 seconds!

New Business

·      Proposal for JWUGS wedding.

o   Will have cake!

o   E-mail will be sent out to everyone.

o   $220 allocated.

·      Aaron proposes buying incense for a spiritual cleansing of Saybrook.