September 14th, 2015


September 14, 2015

Master and Associate Master’s Report

·      New operations manager – Micah Luce. He has a PhD in Early Christian Philosophy.

·      Apple picking and apple crisp bake-off are to come! We will be inviting AMVD (our former, beloved associate master!) to join us.

·      Senior toast is happening soon.

·      We will have a budget of ~$30,000 for SCC. Much of that money will be spent on student activities, study breaks, and trips. Start brainstorming ideas – we have some awesome things ahead of us.

Notes from the Dean

·      Dean Muller won’t be able to make it so often this semester.

Committee Reports

SAC (Saybrook Activities Committee)

·      So much in store (tune in for budget proposal).

·      October 3: tentative date for Saybrook Screw, will be at Harvest, there might be a professional photographer. Which is also Mean Girls day!

Community Service

·      This Wednesday, from 7 to 9 p.m. in Dwight Hall is the Fall Service bazaar.

Bylaws Committee

·      DID YOU KNOW, that the treasurer shall decide the order that the proposals are considered in SCC?


·      Saybrook is UNDEFEATED.

·      That being said, it’s 1 win and 3 ties.

·      That also being said, 3 of those games were against Davenport.

·      An online form is being used to keep track of game participation. Will be self updated and used for awards later in the semester.

·      The crowd demands an IM board to list scores and the weeks’ games.

·      Ryan proposed an importable GCAL.

Saybrook Historical Society Committee

·      Six people attended the first SHSC event on Friday.

·      Another event will take place not next Friday, but the coming Friday.

·      Many know of Say and Sele Day (Baron Say and Sele – one person! Gasp.) Baron Say and Sele and Baron Brook were the two that founded Saybrook, where Yale was before it came to Saybrook.

College Seminar Committee

·      We need new heads! Please contact David Kurkovskiy and Jordan Liebman if you can help spearhead the committee this semester.


·      Like the SY Sustainability FB page – they’re only a few likes away from 200!

·      First meeting will most likely be next week.

·      Planning a Weigh Your Waste night to evaluate amount of food waste produced by Saybrook students soon.

·      Fun fact: red solo cups are recyclable. Also boxes with 5%+ food wastes are not recyclable.

Dining Hall Committee

·      Lots of requests have been coming through.

Yale College Council

·      YCC well under way.

·      Freshmen vote for YCC reps between Thursday 9 a.m. to Friday at 9 p.m. There are several candidates running.

·      Freshmen can also become Associate Members of the YCC.

·      Avery will be working on Yale Health Acute Care reform, so if you have nay advice for her, let her know.

Saybrook Baking Club

Saybrook Brew Club

·      Budget proposal to come


·      A fire drill took place.

·      If there is anything that goes wrong or anything you want to know, let Daniel Fischer (d.fischer AT yale DOT edu) know.

New Business

·      Kyle Skinner was here – he’s a resident fellow in Saybrook, and loves Saybrook so much. Come get to know him! (Did you know that Professor Near was his freshman advisor?)

Budget Proposals

·      Will split $15,000 over each semester.

Total: $20,965 requested and $15,000 to work with: some tough decisions in order.

12-pack: $3,875

·      12 pack wants to have all sorts of different events: rock concerts, a cookout, dance lessons, etc. in addition to the regular events they have been organizing (a few of which already took place).

·      Asking for only $3,500.

·      Master Near proposed started with an initial lower amount for the 12-packing and asking money for special events from the rolling fund.

·      $2200 allocated

SAC: $11,000

·      Bringing it down to $10,000.

·      Study breaks, one in particular to introduce Saybrook to graduate fellows. Study breaks are $1,580. Biggest event for Fall is Saybrook Screw, saving at least $600 at Harvest.

·      Apple picking, Oktoberfest, etc.

·      Harvard-Yale Tailgate will be catered (~$1000+)

·      Viva’s Night or something in that vein.

·      Winter Ball as well.

·      $9500 allocated

Baking Club: $240

·      Same amount as last semester, and worked very well.

·      $240 allocated.

Operations Budget: $600

·      Food for meetings every other week.

·      $600 allocated.

$2000 for froyo machine in the common room (Rolando)

·      $0 allocated.

Steven requested $250 for pretty Christmas light decorations

·      Lights from the windows of Vandy last year, they want to recreate it for Saybrook.

·      $250 allocated.

$600 for regular game night in Saybrook (Ariel and Francis)

·      Steam games, games inspired by The Walking Dead, etc.

·      Official game nights for Saybrook.

·      $400 allocated.

Aadi is requesting $400 for the Brew Club

·      $350 allocated

$2000 Community Service Project (Chunyang)

·      Freshmen, sophomore, juniors, seniors would hang out, do community service for a weekend, and would be treated to a dinner afterwards.

·      Asking for $1000 instead.

·      $800 allocated.