April 10th, 2017


·      Say & Sele on the 22nd

·      Hamilton trip following day

·      Tea is the following week with Seward

·      Also, if we want a parent of a student for a tea, we wait until they either graduate or when they are a senior

Dean’s Report

·      Read her emails

·      Dean’s office is closed Friday


·      Semiformal was good

·      As far as pictures are concerned, the photographer will get them back to us within 48 hours

·      Casey will post them on the SY Facebook group

Community Service

·      Donate swipes for this Friday through SIS dining hall portal until Thursday


·      If you want to join a Bylaw or Constitutional Review meeting, contact David Jiang


·      Send Leah pictures and she will post them


·      If you have problems email Daniel Fischer


·      Dinner plans are for Zinc on Saturday

·      Daniel will send an email to those who qualify

Dining hall

·      Don’t leave plates in common room

·      Cape shark is being served Thursday


·      Done


·      Nothing to report, be sustainable


·      Great dinner at Barcelona—three course plus meal

·      IMs are still happening

·      Daniel Jiang’s story: he was the only one to show up at a badminton game

o   Moral: please show up to IMs


·      Nothing to report


·      Nothing to report


·      Brett presented on his alumni engagement project—going to do more data analysis

·      Near POI: Congrats to Christopher for writing in YDN about involvement  

·      Endorsement debate is Tuesday at 7 for YCC reps

·      Voting opens up on Thursday

·      Saybrook is contested, with Brett Gu, Aidan O’Connor, and Gabe Perez

·      Maya Lin Thursday at 4—will be a waiting line


·      $0 in rolling fund

New Business

·      John would like to create a position under the Media Committee—Designated DJ

·      POI: is it the same song every week?

o   We have previously decided that the song will be Bad & Boujee

·      Motion passes, John is now the Designated DJ