Saybrook Fellowships

Before applying for any Saybrook 2024-25 Awards or Fellowships, please see the Yale Fellowships and Funding FAQ.  All SY Fellowships are subject to Yale guidelines.

In addition to the many student funding resources available through Yale’s fellowship office (see, a number of fellowships and awards are administered through Saybrook College and are exclusively available for Saybrook students.  Some of the awards require participation in the Mellon Forum, where students in their senior year present their work to a group of their peers.

Please note the following general guidelines:

  • Awards are reported to the IRS as taxable income.
  • All work by Seniors must be completed prior to graduation.
  • Students may apply for more than one fellowship for the same project, but it must be made clear how the money will be allocated.  Awardees must also disclose the amount of any other funds supporting the proposed project.
  • Students need to register and apply via the Yale Fellowship database
  • Students must also sign the Assumption of Risk Waiver Form for any international travel.
  • Recipients must give a detailed report submitted to the Saybrook Office concerning their use of the funds and the result of their project.
  • Travel to a student’s home town will generally not be supported, although local travel from the hometown, if justifiable, can be supported.

Please note that summer field work and research travel may continue to be severely restricted because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  For the most up-to-date information on research restrictions for Yale College, please visit the Yale University travel restrictions page and the off-campus research and fieldwork reactivation page.

The Bruce M. Babcock ‘62 Travel Research Fellowship

Maximum Award:  $1,200
Submission deadline: 
Notification: 2 weeks after respective deadlines
Eligibility:   All Saybrook students
Period of Use:  Anytime
Constraints: Travel funds

Description: This fellowship is intended to provide travel funds annually to enable a resident of Saybrook College to pursue a research project in the United States or abroad.

Please note that summer field work and research travel may continue to be severely restricted because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  For the most up-to-date information on research restrictions for Yale College, please visit the Yale University travel restrictions page and the off-campus research and fieldwork reactivation page.

Application Information: Items required: complete the application on the fellowships/grants website.  Recipients must submit written summary reports explaining the use of their Fellowship to the Saybrook Office by September 6, 2024.

Creative and Performing Arts Award

Maximum Award: Plays and Musicals ($2,200), Publications ($2,200), Concerts: ($1,500), Video and Film ($1,200), Dance ($1,000), Visual Arts ($500), Collective Arts ($500), Comedy/Spoken Word ($500).

Submission deadline: 11:59pm, September 10, 2024
Notification: Early October
Eligibility:   All students
Period of Use: Academic Year
Constraints: Dramatic, musical, dance, video, film, literature, and exhibitions

Description:  Administered by the Council of the Heads of College the Creative and Performing Arts (CPA) Awards support on-campus dramatic, musical, dance, video and film productions, literary publications, and exhibitions in each residential college.  These projects are supported by the Sudler Fund, the Welch Art Fund, and the Bates Fund.  Ideally, productions should be held within the residential colleges; if that is not possible, productions must take place on campus.

Application Information: The Council of the Heads of College has created an online application process for the CPA Awards in the residential colleges. Applications must be submitted online by September 10th at 11:59pm.  Note:  Applications for use of a residential college theater or the Off Broadway Theater are due at the same time.

Mellon Undergraduate Research Awards

Maximum Award:  $500
Submission Deadlines:  ”Rolling” deadline as the last Friday of each calendar month
Notification: First or second week of each calendar month
Eligibility:   Seniors
Period of Use:  Academic year
Constraints:  Research

Description:  Research must take place during the academic year and awardees must present the result of their research to the Senior Mellon Forum in the college.

Please note that summer field work and research travel may continue to be severely restricted because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  For the most up-to-date information on research restrictions for Yale College, please visit the Yale University travel restrictions page and the off-campus research and fieldwork reactivation page.

Application Information: Items required: complete the application on the fellowships/grants website. 

Richter Summer Fellowship

Award Amount: Maximum: $
Submission deadline: 11:59 pm, March 31, 2025
Notification: mid-April
Eligibility:   Saybrook students: Juniors are given preference: then First Years or Sophomores
Period of Use:  Summer
Constraints: Independent study & research (not mere travel or enrollment)

Description: Independent study and research, not for mere travel, work, or enrollment in a school. An internship is a valid use only if the primary component is study or research; being part of a research team is a valid use.

Please note that summer field work and research travel may continue to be severely restricted because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  For the most up-to-date information on research restrictions for Yale College, please visit the Yale University travel restrictions page and the off-campus research and fieldwork reactivation page.

Application Information: Items required: complete the application on the fellowships/grants website.  Student must also sign the Assumption of Risk Waiver Form for any international travel.  International students make sure your paperwork is completed through Days Cardona in the Tax Dept. at 432-5530 so that your check is not delayed.

Students who are awarded fellowships will be expected to submit a brief written report to the Council of the Heads of College’s Office at the beginning of the Fall term.  Checks are issued to the recipients of this fellowship.  Recipients must submit written summary reports explaining the use of their Fellowship to the Saybrook Office by September 20, 2024.

Saybrook College Research Fellowship

Maximum Award:  $1,000
Submission deadline: March 29, 2025
Notification: 2 weeks after respective deadlines
Eligibility:   Saybrook students: First Years, Sophomores, Juniors
Period of Use:  Anytime
Constraints:  None

A Saybrook College Research Fellowship is awarded for independent study and research, including research internships or being part of a research team.  Recipients must submit written summary reports explaining the use of their Fellowship to the Saybrook Office by September 6, 2024.

Please note that summer field work and research travel may continue to be severely restricted because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  For the most up-to-date information on research restrictions for Yale College, please visit the Yale University travel restrictions page and the off-campus research and fieldwork reactivation page.

Application Information: Items required: complete the application on the fellowships/grants website. 

Shutack Award

Maximum Award:  $1,200
Submission deadlines:

Notification: 2 weeks after respective deadlines
Eligibility:   All Saybrook students
Period of Use:  Academic year
Constraints:  Film productions

The Shutack Awards for Film Projects are offered in Saybrook College for students interested in producing films. Only Saybrook students with primary responsibilities in the proposed project may apply.  The SY Operations Manager can assist with explanation of reimbursement procedures and other guidelines, which are essentially the same as those for film production awards through the Council of the Heads of College’s Creative and Performing Arts awards program.

The application must include an itemized budget and a detailed written description of the project. Whenever possible, equipment and other technical support should be obtained through the Digital Media Services for the Arts.

COVID: The Shutack Award for 2024-2025 must follow the same guidelines for the CPA Film Award Restrictions and the CCAM Guidelines.

Application Information: Items required: complete the application on the fellowships/grants website.