Head of College
Took a melatonin that’ll kick in in an hour, so let’s get to work
Gotta prep for Mellon forum tomorrow
POI: If you’re hypothetically a senior who forgot to RSVP, can you still go?
There’s enough prosecco for everyone. All seniors welcome!
Dean’s Report
Sophomores, juniors, seniors get your schedules in!
Thanks for coming to Tyng Flyng! It was super successful!
Give us money later
Community Service
Led by Mary’20
There’s now an outreach fellow program in all of the residential colleges. There’ll be a community service representative who will hold monthly meetings.
Our partner organization is NHS (Neighborhood Housing Services)
They rebuild homes and turn them into low-income housing
Also plant gardens, which is the Sustainability committee can help with
Having a meeting about this next week, and then it will be picking up pretty intensely
As a senior, looking for some help if anyone wants to join / potentially lead the charge!
Did you know: In order to be able to vote in the budget meeting, you need to have gone to at least 2 meetings including the budget meeting, which is why the budget is always the 2nd meeting of the semester?
Follow @saybrookcollege on instagram
There’s a photo of Julian, billy boat, doing his thing at Tyng
If you’re interested in helping Jazzy let her know! It’s v chill and fun!
Fischer Report
Don’t break things, and if you do report them
Agenda depends on this meeting
Rising from the ashes
Kelsey, Chase, and Kelsey are the leaders. Thanks to John
College Seminar
Taken over by Ben
Just got the applications. The first week of interviews is the last week of September so keep that in mind.
Also keep in mind that if you interview enough you will be treated to a nice dinner like the winning IM teams are.
Dining hall
Echoing Micah’s email. The dining hall is open 24/7 as a study space. Be mindful by reading the room while there in terms of volume as well as cleanliness.
Koomson Report
Mary had chipotle for dinner. It was veggie, so guac was free. What a concept
You are housed
Be sustainable
Ping pong was rescheduled
Big soccer game! We won 6-2
Would love to see more people out there! Ideally 5 more people for subs. Wednesday is our next match. Need more women.
Brewed. It went well. Look out for the porter that will hopefully be ready by Oktoberfest.
There’s also a cider. Send Sam requests for flavors, which is new
Reminder about the senior event on Sept 21st. Going to Stratford to Two Roads Brewery for Oktoberfest. SY covering travel and ticket expenses (which includes beer)
If you’re interested in the transfer to secondary fermentation process, hit Sam up.
Conrad’s domain now, but claims that Prof Near offered to take over for this meeting.
All of the entryways in the memorial quadrangle that comprise BF and SY are named after SY worthies. Edward Bouchet and OC Marsh are featured. However, as all were named in 1919, they are unfortunately all named after men.
Read their emails
Old Business
Treasurer’s Report
$16,000 ready to spend
New Business
Sign up to be a Saysib! It’s a great opportunity to get involved and low pressure! The social will be this Friday with ice cream and nondairy alternatives.
Great sign up already on behalf of upperclass people, but there is high demand amongst frosh so keep it going!
POI: Some frosh asked Jazzy about the program on move-in day, so they’re really excited!
Budget meeting
Beginning $3,075 over budget at $19,075
Need to allocate the $16,000 properly the first time through to avoid going through twice (lol, we did not heed Roger’s warning and did indeed over budget and have to go through twice).
Can ask for previous allocations or other questions when hearing each group’s proposals. Need more than 50% of the votes for a motion to pass. Today, it ends at 8 or fewer votes, and the previous amount will be allocated.
Voting in the order things were sent to Mariel.
Requesting $12,500
Goes towards planning SY fall formal (over 50% of budget, $7000). The rest goes to Amigos Nights (3 including past one), Oktoberfest, and study break nights like Sushi on Chapel and Donut Crazy.
POI: Asking for less than awarded last year
Also keep in mind throughout this, that the fall 2018 budget had 4 groups asking for money and we now have 8
POI: Does Harvard-Yale affect SAC’s budget?
Yes. The number should be higher because Harvard-Yale is at Yale this year, and SAC hosts an event.
SAC did not include that event on the itemized list, but the HOC office won’t let it not happen.
Granted $12,250
Requesting $3,210, allocated $2,600 last year
Plan on being a very active 12 pack. Planned 9 parties ($250 each) and planning to release a calendar with the details of each one.
Additional costs can go to more suite decorations
Only inherited 3 sets of Christmas lights, a black light, and a strobe light (without the extension cord) from the last 12-pack.
POI: Supplies pass down year to year so anything acquired this year would remain
Asking for an additional speaker ($160), because one was not enough at the last party because of all the people present. Simply not enough.
Planning a 12-pack duty, a movie night, etc. ($100 each)
Frocos said what??
Want it to be more of a community space rather than just a party space
POI: Was significant damage done to SY supplies over previous year?
Didn’t look at bin before or after so can’t answer
POI: SAC normally takes all study breaks, so duty isn’t under their branch
POI: Saybrook has a second speaker already that syncs up with the 12-pack’s system
Subtracting the speaker, now requesting $3,050
POI: Is there alternative money for the class specific events proposed to alleviate that strain on the SY budget?
Why are you looking at us? - Dean Lafargue
Generally there is funding for events handled by those specific classes, so it would be possible for them to get money
Granted $2,000
Ben’s family dinner idea
Requested $405
Wants to increase the amount of cross-class social events by having 3 by lottery dinners per year ($135 each) that any Saybrugian could enter. One winner in each class would get a plus one.
Ben would purchase food, whoever wants can cook the meal together, and everyone would consume it together!
POI: Ben’s cooking is incredible. It brings hearts and souls together - Jazzy
Granted $200, $100 for 2 dinners this semester
O61 Conglomerate (formerly E21 Conglomerate)
Requested $1800
Literally so extra. But we love it. They brought a projector to show a powerpoint. And speakers. Phenomenal presentation/execution.
Words can’t do this justice….you had to be there.
Anywho… they do live, student music and last year was the beginning of great things that they have and hope to continue!
Just held an event last weekend hosting 3 awesome bands including SY’s very own Hero Magnus, Window Seat, and Toil
Want to tie in the SY community by having events not only on the 6th floor, but also in other SY spaces like the Underbrook or in courtyards like last week
Also considering pairing with local shops and businesses
Budget is for: advertisements/posters, snacks, cups, beverages, potentially amenities for musicians, and they also want to invest in the space to make it a better place for performance
Lighting system, a mixing system, and a PA system that will then remain in SY and potentially pass on to a suite that they would mentor
POI: How many events during the semester?
POI: Have you looked into renting the equipment through CCam, Bass, etc.
Have been able to access stuff sometimes, but trouble others. Inconsistent, so they want security of the equipment.
POI: What kind of groups?
Indie singer-songwriter, punk, jazz
POI: It would be great to have this equipment added into the Underbrook from the POV of other artists working there
POI: Would be interesting if O61 collaborated with 12-pack
Requested $15 to subsidize the Squiche more
Not present, tabled
Requested $500
Black student affinity group for SY. 3 leaders to alleviate the burden of one person planning everything, so the money would be spent.
Attendance will be good because Kelsey is a PL for SY, Chase is a CC mom, John is a froco, and Kelsey is in the Gospel choir. Many connections!
Most money is going towards an Escape Room ($310 for 29 SY people). Also movies, rollerskating, etc.
$150 for Sandra’s soul food next generation
Really important group for first-years especially after CC. Great community and really special to have that homebase in SY.
Granted $400
Requested $600
Pride event in New Haven next week
Signs, transportation, snacks and beverages
Film screening / movie tickets for queer movies coming out soon
Balancing public events with private ones for people who aren’t out. Valuable experience.
Granted $425
Requested $500
Planning to expand it and make it a group for both women and gender minorities
Envisioning for it to be a women-centered social space (movies, baking, etc.) because a lot of those spaces on campus are male-controlled/dominated like the 12-pack
Planning to partner with different groups on campus such as Circle of Women, Broads, RALY, etc. on service projects or that focus on intersectional feminism
Want to do brunches in SY that are catered and a brunch out for involved members.
Connecting with a SY fellow from the first graduating class of women who had tea and went to Mory’s with Slaydies last year
Granted $425