Head of College
Couldn’t make it this week but hosted the Fellow’s dinner last Thursday!
Dean’s Report
Course schedules due next week
Read Dean Lafargue’s email, send info to friends, and encourage people to turn them in
There will be an Amigo’s Night on Wednesday.
Email coming soon from your new SAC chairs who will be elected later this meeting :)
Community Service
Keep donating clothes
Mary will talk with Mikayla for the transition of power
Did you know?: It isn’t the role of the VP to do this (run the meeting), but Alex isn’t here
POI: It could’ve been John
New post that people are loving!
POI: How is the engagement doing?
High! Sam can personally attest to people reposting it on their stories.
Fischer Report
Don’t break things, but if you do, call facilities
Nothing to report
Nothing to report, gearing up for the budget meeting
If anyone has ideas for events they want this semester, let Chase or either Kelsey know so they can consider the costs in the budget
College Seminar
Nothing to report
Dining hall
Had brunch today for MLK day and will have stuff next Monday for the Lunar New Year
POI: What’s up with Citrus week?
POI: Unsure, but there is grapefruit all day?
POI: What are the smaller ones?
POI: The caracara orange which Jesse seems to know a lot about
POI: Garlic in the mezze bar?
Will follow up on previous inquiry
POI: Chicken tenders are back
Koomson Report
Mary had chicken, brussel sprouts and asparagus
Roger is biased for choosing Mary
Nothing to report
Won WaPo tonight
Having a sushi study break tomorrow at 9:30pm in the dining hall
Still in the lead for the Tyng!!
There’s bowling on Friday, which is huge
If anyone is interested in brewing beer, SYder, etc., reach out to Sam Rimm-Kaufman!
Ben the frosh has the fact today! For a very long time, the farthest room in the library with the London map had drawer with a bunch of inspirational notes in it that went back 5-10 years, but the drawer is now gone
POI: People would interact with each other in the letters
POI: Include in the SY archives? Or at least the minutes
Nothing to report because they haven’t had their first meeting of the semester yet
Chris West is the new SYstainability Liason! He’s a junion in entryway C. Nothing to say now but he’ll be in contact
Old Business
POI: Squiche is officially opening when shopping period ends (next Sunday)
POI: John wanted to run this meeting but isn’t here, classic
Treasurer’s Report
$16,000.00 in the rolling fund
Mariel sent out the email today about the budget meeting next week. You need to include a brief description of the activity/event/item/etc, the total amount you’re requesting, and how the money will be spent (i.e. itemized)
Remember that in addition to pitching your proposal to us, you also are to Dean lafargue and Prof Near so make them good and detailed
New Business
POI: If you’re interested in the art committee from past meetings, let Sam Gallen know. He sent an email to everyone who stated they were interested before.
The bigger the group the more legitimacy it gets
POI: What are we doing with our constitutional crisis? / Do we even have one?
Every class only needs 1 voting member, but can have up to 5 so we’ll be good.
POI: Pitch to start a new committee by Ben the frosh. Interested in the SY library, but the books are really disorganized. Wants to catalogue and reorganize. Branford and Berkeley libraries have collections reasonably usable by the students.
POI: There was a push to make it a circulation library a few years ago, but the combo is feasibility and who’s going to do it
POI: Should keep the summer renovations in the library in mind when planning
POI: Do your membership points reset at the start of semester? The Constitution says you need to have 4 points and reminder that you lose a point for missing a meeting
Yes, so you would’ve had to keep coming to meetings
Would’ve had to diligently keep track of points.
Which I have :) Next week is math time for me! Should I petition for it to count as my QR that I need to become a junior? Absolutely. Look out for this Dean Lafargue
If you’ve consistently come to meetings, you should be eligible. Basically we should be able to recognize your face from the meetings
POI: Are we getting a pizza oven in the renovations?
Joey’s lips are sealed. This is on a need to know basis
Jk, unsure
POI: Are we electing a new SAC today so Amigo’s can happen ?
Motion to elect SAC Chairs
You need to be nominated and seconded. If seconded and unopposed, need over 50% of the vote by a show of hands
SAC = SY Activities Committee. Plan Amigos, SY formal, etc.
Sarah nominates Lil Wenker and Chase Finney. No other nominations.
100% confirmation! Woohoo!! A new throne will come
Many thanks to Jesse and Sarah for their great tenure!!! Wild applause!!
Lil and Chase have been meeting to prep and are really excited! Just to give you an idea, there’ll be Insomnia for Daylight Savings, an all SY birthday party, a s’mores palooza, a sushi study break on Tax Day, and so much more!. Buckle up SY!!
Motion to Adjourn