November 4, 2013
Master and Associate Master’s Report
- Tomorrow will be a master’s tea with Janet Dalziell
- Mellon Forum on Wednesday
- And then Master Hudak will be off in Taiwan!
- Tomorrow is election day! Go vote.
Dean’s Report
- Nothing to report.
Committee Reports
SAC (Saybrook Activities Committee)
- Tailgate last weekend was a success.
- On Wednesday will be a late-night breakfast study break.
Community Service
- Nothing to report.
- New disinfectant wipes have been ordered for the gym.
Clothing Committee:
- The deadline to order SY sports bras may be extended due to a snaggle in the ordering process.
- This is the last week of the fall season!
- A winter season sign-up study break will be coming up.
Sustainability Committee
- Recycling bins in entryway E of Vandy will be back soon.
- The techno-scrap bins in the trash rooms will have their waste collected by the rugby team and sold to fund them in exchange for their efforts in increasing techno-scrap awareness.
Dining Committee
- No report.
Media Committee
- Interviews in the works, super-awesome newsletter
College Seminar Committee
- No report.
Saybrook Historical Society Committee
- Interviewed Kyle Skinner last Friday.
- No report.
- No report.
- Remember to read the YCC newsletter!
- On Nov 17-20th will be a referendum on Yale endowment disvestment from oil.
- Fall Show was a success.
- The Dean’s office is looking for a solution to negative impacts from changes to the length of reading period.
- YCC is also addressing issues of the student activities fee and undergraduate organization funding. Some organizations have been culled from the registration lists. Remember to keep your groups active. Beware student org audits.
Brewing Club
- Nothing to report.
Mascot Committee
- No report.
Old Business
New Business