October 1st, 2018

Head of College

·      Two first-year events in the Biggs house for Froco groups coming up

·      Apple picking next Saturday, sign up in office!

Dean’s Report

·      Study abroad application deadline is 1 and a half weeks away

·      POI: Do we need anything other than academic record and why you want to study abroad?

o   Yes it’s the complete application


·      Confirmed at 116 Crown, email coming soon

·      Please suggest names

o   Marvin Chun says screw is unacceptable


·      POI: Will Near-beer and Lafargue-margaritas be served?

o   Save that for Octoberfest

·      October 13th (same day as apple picking)

Community Service

·      There will be a clothing donation box in laundry room, it will look like a labeled recycling bin with a lid


·      Go like last Insta post


·      Don’t break things

·      POI: There is water in the basement at the door to entryway B


·      These Are My Hours screening on October 15th in the SY Underbrook

·      Conversation with alumna director after and dinner (dinner is by lottery)

·      Discussion about gow birth is treated in this country, US has highest maternal mortality rate

·      Not graphic, the movie is more about her emotions during labor

College Seminar

·      Read Dave’s email, there is a Google sheet with times for sign up for interviews

·      You go to the interview, listen to people pitch their class, i.e. Trials of the Century

·      Stay for 20 minutes, if you go to 5, you get a dinner at a nice New Haven restaurant with Professor Near

·      POI: Many people took a lot of the spots

o   if its full put your name on the side

·      POI: Syllabi are uploaded to Box, how do I access them?

o   You all have a Box account through Yale, log in with your SIS information

Dining Hall

·      Michael is here on Salakis October 3rd for a food conversation

·      POI: If there’s a food you’re looking for in the dining hall, how do we go about getting it?

·      POI: YCC has a Yale dining committee tht students can join

·      POI: What is the likelihood that SY could potentially get cold brew coffee?

·      POI: Can we get the clock back in the dining hall?

·      POI: Supposedly SY is getting a dim sum station

·      POI: Near has been having an ongoing conversation with heads of dining about keeping the serving area less like that of Siliman

Kroomson Report

·      Are there any SWUGs around?

o   Senior washed up girl


·      Alex  has emailed the landscape director with his designs


·      Soccer team is undefeated

·      Thanks to the first years who have been coming out

·      Tomorrow we have cross country, 5 pm

o   Worth a lot of points if it doesn’t rain

·      We also have a white board out with the information in front of the dining hall now

·      POI: Can John go directly from Cross country to the College Seminar Interviews?

o   Dave shows up to those interviews in Crocs

·      POI: Are they going to reschedule golf?

o   Probably not

·      POI: Very few forfeit losses so far. Near thinks its because last year’s SY victory has incensed other colleges so they are showing up in more numbers now


·      If you want to brew, contact Sam

·      If you don’t want to order and be the parent of a beer, you can come and wash dishes and move things, show up, its fun!


·      Entryway H is dedicated to Edward Boouchet, 1st African American to earn a PhD from an American University

·      Have been talking to TJ about a video exposé on cold case murder


·      Nothing to report

Old Business

·      Nothing to report

Treasurer’s Report

·      $0.00

·      Email roger if you have extra money— it can go back into the rolling fund

New Business

·      Motion to adjourn