October 24th, 2016


October 24th, 2016

HOC Report

A time to catch our breath – this week is pretty open. If you’re a senior you can sign up for the fellows’ meeting.


Amigos on Wednesday, Trick or treating Friday.

Saystended Family is now a SAC coordinate initiative.

         Sib program will return to upperclassmen next year. Saystended family fills temporary gap.

Community Service

Dwight Hall email comes out every day – get on the panlist if you aren’t

Gardening this weekend.


Constitution has 10 articles, but article 8 doesn’t exist.

Media Committee

Possible official photographer?


College Seminar

Planning celebration for before finals

Dining Hall

Soup spoons not returned yet?


Lights off campaign?


Not a lot of activity – won by forfeit today, one more game this week

S/O to Jazzy Fisher for getting a team organized – we can win by forfeit!

Brew Club

Nothing new


Meeting with restorer who is working on crests this or next Friday


Do the fall survey!

HOC POI: resources for people getting computers and winter clothing?

Araba’s Dinner Report

Mild chicken wings

Old Business


Treasurer’s Report


Consider saving for the epic block party?

New Business

SAC proposes $775 for Saystended and the block party. Granted.