October 26th, 2015


October 26, 2015

Master and Associate Master’s Report

·      Special holiday dinner on Friday for Halloween is being planned by the Master’s Office.

Committee Reports

SAC (Saybrook Activities Committee)

·      Study break on Wednesday night most likely, at around 9 or 9:30p.m.

·      Saybrook Trick-or-Treating on Saturday night. Be on the lookout for an e-mail.

·      Other things to look forward to: tailgate for the Brown game on November 7.

Community Service Committee

·      Habitat for Humanity in New Haven is looking for more volunteers. Shifts are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3 to 6 p.m.

·      The Yale Farm holds volunteer work days.

·      Another big thing: residential college service competition starting today. Lookout for an e-mail from Layla. Essentially, track your service hours. There will be prizes!

·      Contact Aryssa to get involved with Project Homeless Connect!

·      This Saturday, if you can help drive kids for Dwight Hall who will be trick-or-treating for canned food, contact Layla.

Bylaws Committee

·      DID YOU KNOW, that a quorum of the SCC is defined as one-third of current voting members being present. We need at least that number to vote on anything.

Dining Hall Committee

·      We have a prototype for our Staff Appreciation poster.

·      Aadi and Mallet will be meeting on Thursday to discuss the infiltration of the dining hall at night.


·      A lightbulb exchange is beginning this week.

·      Weigh Your Waste Night is scheduled for November 7.


·      Won today by forfeit – Pierson did not show up!

·      Already won our game tomorrow, since Calhoun doesn’t have a team!

·      Link for logging game participating will be sent out again this week – definitely fill out, and don’t miss out on the awesome Saybrook IM prizes.

Saybrook Brew Club

·      No updates since last week, but went downstairs and cleaned everything.

·      Ingredients for new brews are shipped, Aadi will send out an e-mail soon.

·      Meetings will be held or Sunday mornings.

Saybrook Historical Society Committee

·      Shooting for a meeting on Friday, pending on Daniel’s health.

·      Leon is aiming for a spooky Halloween-themed meeting.

·      Did you know that on the external wall of Saybrook, facing Elm Street, that there are stone engravings of the emblems of the Big Three Secret Societies?

Yale College Council

·      Take the Fall Survey, which closes on Sunday.

Treasurer’s Report

·      Two budget proposals this week, both from President Aadi.

·      Right now we have $570 in the rolling fund, if both proposals are passed, we’d have $315.76 left.

New Business

·      First proposal: Saybrook cornhole set (about $200) $200 allocated.

·      Second proposal: purchasing an edible arrangement as a present for Cissy. ($51 plus tax) $54.24 allocated