October 5th, 2015


October 5, 2015

Master and Associate Master’s Report

·      Apple picking was delayed       

Committee Reports

SAC (Saybrook Activities Committee)

·      Let Magda and Ihna know about your thoughts about how Saybrook Screw went this last weekend.

·      The Saybrook-wide game of Assassins will begin on Wednesday.

·      October 17th will be Oktoberfest, most likely

o   Expect fall-themes food and drink and festivities

Community Service

·      Chunny is the official Community Service committee minion.

·      There’s a community service club on campus that needs help!

o   From 2 to 4 Mondays-Thursdays, K2K take leftover food from specific dining halls and donate them.

·      Brainstorming ideas for staff appreciation.


·      $1500 left over in the capital fund for gym improvement.

·      If there are ideas for additions to the gym, talk to Daniel Fischer (d.fischer@yale.edu), who is the point person for this project.

College Seminar Committee

·      Helped narrow down some of the college seminar choices.

·      The process will continue with interviews in October.

Dining Hall Committee

·      Progress on the pasta bar seems to be halted???


·      This week is Celebrate Sustainability Week!

·      Today, a town hall meeting took place regarding new sustainable initiatives at Yale.

·      If you have any questions reach out to Sarah Holder or Ihna.

·      A waste audit is coming up!


·      Golf and Cross Country this week!

Saybrook Historical Society Committee

·      Meeting this Friday in the Fellow’s Longue!

Yale College Council

·      Talked about different initiatives during the last meeting

o   Going tobacco-free.

o   Getting rid of Styrofoam.