October 8th, 2018


Head of College

·      Mellon Forum for Seniors tomorrow at Biggs House

·      Apple picking and SY Dance on Saturday

·      Apple-based study break at Biggs House Sunday evening

·      Thoughts about name of SY dance: Near feels he has been complacent about old term. Though he felt Roger’s suggestion was funny, people outside the college are starting to notice, the old term is problematic, don’t want to generate heat.

o   Only want heat about IM victories

o   Name change is the right thing to do

o   Everyone should try not to use the old term

o   Don’t want to sanitize the event, still thinks it is fun to set-up your suite-mates, but we still should have a different name that is more mindful of today’s climate

Dean’s Report

·      Next Monday is deadline for application for next term abroad

·      Day of Service on Saturday

·      Potential email about the international policy competition

o   Student organizers are looking for people to host students coming to campus

·      Get your flu shots!


·      John and Alex started selling tickets- will be selling during dinner until Thursday afternoon

o   5:00 pm-6:30 pm in Common room, tickets are $5

·      POI Near: Media and SAC can collaborate with coming up with new name that may stick (maybe a vote and prizes involved)

Community Service

·      Clothing donation bin is coming, will be very clearly labeled in laundry room

·      New Haven Day of Caring on Saturday

·      Aids Project New Haven- community fundraising event on Sunday 6pm-9pm


·      SCC meetings use Robert’s rule of order (that is why we say POI)


·      No updates on Instagram this week

·      Follow us!

·      Dance name suggestion: What about the SY Set-up?

o   Also has a double meaning of being “set-up”


·      Don’t break things

·      POI: Printer in computer room was broken

o   More a tech job than a SY job


·      Will host a pregame for the SY dance, safe and non-pressuring space in Mariel’s Suite 0-42

·      Maybe SAC/Micah can send an email

o   Will coordinate with SAC


·      These are my Hours screening postponed

College Seminar

·      The last 2 days of interviews are tomorrow and Thursday, dinner location is TBD

·      Great selection of seminars this year, Dave doesn’t remember exactly which ones, but he knows they are interesting

·      5 interviews (a days worth) are 20 min each, get to go to dinner with Prof. Near

Dining Hall

·      Got feedback from dining hall manager from questions/concerns:

o   On the Cauliflower heads being too large- will bring it up with council, the dining hall is advised to serve it whole whenever they can

o   Will speak to dish crew about dirty plates

o   On the separating and un-shakeable salad salad dressing- use these types of bottles to reduce waste, will try to have workers shake bottle periodically

o   Will correct 1lbs = 1 serving of green beans

o   Will work on restoring clock (that broke over the summer)

·      Saturday is Yale dining fall fest (dining halls closed for brunch)

o   Get wristband

o   Durfees swipe still works even if you get the wristband

·      Can the dining hall staff clean the holes of salt shakers so salt comes out?

o   They used to have salt, now they don’t and it is a noticeable difference

·      POI: Can we work on getting mouse removed from dining hall?

·      POI: On Sunday nights, food runs out around 6, especially vegetarian options

o   Near seconds that opinion

·      POI: Does Durfee swipe still work if you go to Morse/Stiles on Saturday instead of the festival?

o   No

Kroomson Report

·      Mariel had 3 biscuits

o   Popeye’s is better

·      POI: There are 2 very different styles of fried chicken

o   But John 100% agrees on biscuits 


·      Alex hasn’t responded to Joe the landscape director

o   Will email him soon and get something going

·      POI: Will we ever have hammocks back on the grass courtyard?

·      POI: We lost the hammocks

·      POI: Glider on the patio is new, still has to be stained


·      Won at soccer and table tennis (The Couch did not show up)

·      Football v JE at 5:15 pm

·      Table tennis at 9:00 pm on Thursday

·      POI: Branford is celebrating that Murray and Franklin are tied for last places at 28 points, we are at 155, probably 175 now

·      POI: Morse has a mascot

o   POI: our mascot could be grapes, a seal, or a lion

o   It was put in the budget a few years ago for $1,000 but rejected

·      Even though we are in the lead, we should not be complacent

·      POI: Can we have a conversation about making IMs (specifically soccer IMs) a space more comfortable for people who don’t identify as male—passing is a big issue.

o   Is it on the field or in the messaging?

o   Playing tactics and language on field

o   Near suggests a conversation with IM secretary

§  IM secretary echoes these concerns


·      Big news: will be brewing in Biggs House on Sunday at 1:00 pm for 4-5 hours, there will be food and company, but no beer because we have to brew it

o   Will send out an email reminder

·      POI Near: Joey will be there and Near will be tapping into a Reddit stream of Bears v. Dolphins game


·      SYHSC is at a review session

·      Few weeks ago, we heard about the hurricane Gloria that tore down tree— maybe it was the revenge of Gloria

o   In 1958 (before Yale allowed women), a SY student was found with a girl in his suite, the student was sent to Ex-Com and girl was kicked out


·      Keep eye out for email about office hours

Old Business

·      Nothing to report


·      $0.00 in rolling fund

New Business

·      Near wants to motion for SCC to request a grape mascot purchased by Head of College Office

·      POI: Will it be one grape or a bunch of grapes?

·      All those in favor say “Aye”

o   Aye wins

·      Motion to adjourn